sick day

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you wake up feeling sick, spencer goes to work and comes home to help you feel more like yourself

you woke up a little bit before your alarm, instantly feeling the soreness of a sore throat. your alarm went off, waking up spencer.

he kissed the top of your head, going to kiss your lips before you quickly moved away.

"what's wrong? is everything okay?" he asked sweetly.
"no, i think i'm sick. my throat hurts and i don't want to risk getting you sick. i'm going to call in sick today, it was only going to be paperwork today" you tell him while still hiding your face

he kissed the top of your head again, "do you want me to stay home with you today as well, i can make you soup, and we can watch movies and snuggle up on the couch or in bed and then i can run a nice warm bath for you" he started listing off things, but you knew it wouldn't be good for both of you to not go in today.

"babe as much as i love you and love everything you just said, we both shouldn't take today off, i'll be fine and if anything happens, i'll call. ok?" you told him finally looking at him.

"alright beautiful." he pushed your hair behind your ear, then leaned down and kissed your forehead.

you look at the clock and saw he had 30 minutes to get ready and leave. you hugged him tighter before kissing his bare chest.

"i gotta get ready. i'll try and finish my paperwork quickly so i can get home and we can still eat together, watch movies and i can still run you that bath" he suggested.

"alright. go. i love you handsome" you looked up at him and kissed his chest again before detaching yourself from him.

"i love you too. get some rest. before i leave i'll
put advil on the bedside table so you can rest most of the day, alright."

you nodded and rolled over, hoping sleep will take over again.

you awoke 6 hours later at 2 o'clock with a splitting headache. you rolled over to see advil and a water bottle on your bedside table along with a note from spence.

to my beautiful girl,
i left you the advil and a water bottle incase you wake up feeling worse. if anything happens or if you just want me home, message me and i'll leave immediately.
love spence <3

you smiled at the sweet note, taking the advil, then reaching for your phone and deciding to call him.
he picked up almost immediately

"baby! is everything okay?" he questioned instantly

you giggled slightly, "i'm fine. thanks for the advil. i just woke up with a headache but i forgot to tell you before you left and i fell back asleep, can you bring my paper work back so i can do it tonight or something please?" you asked your lover.

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