the corrupt, part 1

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a ballistic examiner. a corrupt agent. they both have one thing in common, they'll do anything to protect those that they love.


walking into the bau hand in hand with spence, you smile at a joke he made that made no sense, but it makes you happy seeing him happy.

"good morning love birds" greets derek who is sat at his desk.

"hey morgan" you greet back, dropping spencer's hand to wave as your other holds your coffee.

"sup morgs" spencer greets, holding his hand out to dap derek up.

you and derek shared confused looks at spencer's bizarre actions, the laughter inside you both coming out.

"what?" spencer asks with a small frown.

"pretty boy never do that again" derek says, walking past and patting spencer's shoulder.

"what was wrong with it?" he asks you, the frown still evident on his face.

"you're just not the type of person who greets someone like that and it's unusual. just stick with your small waves babe" you kiss his cheek as you prepare to head into your office.

"wait i'll walk you, love" he grabs your hand before quickly disposing of his empty takeaway coffee cup, beginning the walk to your office.

now you weren't a 'proper' agent however you did still have credentials and did get to go out into the field and murder scenes, only if it was to collect bullets, cartridge cases or disposed guns. your specialised department was ballistics, something you are very passionate about and you absolutely adore your job. after helping the bau solve a case rather quickly thanks to your ballistics skills, you were hired and an office was immediately put together for you. it holds all your specials machines and technology, the materials you need when completing an analysis and many other special tools that you find very interesting and love using, such as almost every type of gun.

you and spencer became offical after many hookups nearly 7 months after you joined the bau, your relationship has been offical and strong for 5 months and you love him dearly.

"here you are m'lady" he jokingly says, using his swipe card to open your door like the gentlemen he is.

"thank you darling" you quickly peck him before kissing him properly, satisfying your needs for a while.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2022 ⏰

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