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you're matthews wife and during lockdown he works on creating a new website for his fans to enjoy!

(matthew gray gubler one shot)
waking up to an empty bed was unusual, especially while in lockdown. everyday for the nearly full year of lock down you've woken up to matthew right by your side, only to lay in bed all day due to having nothing to do. so when you woke up early wednesday morning to an empty bed, you're a little confused.

as you get out of bed you pull on one of matthews sweaters for extra warmth as well as your slippers before beginning to make your way out of the bedroom in search for matthew.

"matthew?" you call out from the doorway, waiting for a response.

"in here baby!" you hear him call out from the study (which is more of matthews library / man cave)

making your way into the study you see him sat in his chair in front of his desktop, working hard at what looks like animations... his website.

"how's the website baby?" you ask as you wrap your arms around his shoulders, your head resting near his.

he sighs aloud, "not good. flash adobe isn't available on phones or tablets, so not everyone will be able to access my website" he explains, a sad tone noticeable.

"i'm sorry bubs, i know that website is like your child" you tell him, pure regret and sadness for him.

when he made that website you guys were best friends, he told you all about his ideas and you even helped with some of the designs. you know how much he loves it, you love it too!

"it's been around for 15 years..." he whispers and it's only now you realise he's crying.

"matthew... come here" you turn his chair around so he can wrap his arms around your waist, burying his head into your stomach. your fingers in twine in his hair, sometimes dropping to rub his back.

"i'm gonna disappoint all my fans" he mumbles into your stomach.

"hey, we'll figure something out, together, alright?" i ask as i gently pull his head back, gently placing a soft kiss on his forehead.

the rest of the day goes on, a gloomy persona overtaking matthews usually happy one. not much can cheer him up and you feel horrible not knowing what to do to help him.

that is until you wake up the next morning to once again an empty bed. you make your way to the study, finding matthew hard at work drawing?

"hey... what are you up to?" you question as you stand off to the side, watching him draw. he opens his arms and pats his lap, motioning for you to sit on his lap.

"well, i was thinking last night and, if flash adobe isn't able to allow my site to be accessible from phones and tablets, then i'll make a new website - a better one!" he exclaims and for the first since tuesday, you see a genuine happy smile on his face.

"matthew, that's an amazing idea. especially with lockdown. this is why i love you... you always put others needs before yours" you tell him, admiring his passion and kindness for the things and people he loves.

"speaking of which, if i'm going to be here all day, is there anything you need me to do?" he asks.

he is literally the perfect man.

"eat breakfast with me?" he nods enthusiastically and joins me in the kitchen in preparing breakfast before joining me at the table and eating our pancakes with fruit on the side. once he's done he heads back to his study and spends hours in there, drawing, emailing old high school friends, working on animations. it's all very interesting to watch.

and that's what he does, over the next few days, weeks and finally after a month, matthew has created a brand new gubler land website. one he is extremely proud of.

he enthusiastically jumps around as he finalises the product, announcing it to his followers with a voiceover he spent hours creating and editing.

after seeing matthew so sad about losing to his website to seeing him so overjoyed with the new one, it was all worth it.

it was all worth it to see that smile that stays plastered on his face as he holds you on his lap, eagerly showing you everything the new website has.
word count - 744
a short one

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