not so subtle

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y/n and spencer have a secret relationship and they think they're hiding it well, until y/n walks into the police precinct with spencer's shirt on...

warnings: smut
"wheels up in 30" hotch says before walking out of the conference room.

once everyone's left spencer's comes over to me and kisses my head, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"looks like we have to post pone our movie night" he says softly, referring to the movie night we had planned.

"we can still have it at the hotel, we just have to be subtle" i tell him.

he nods and quickly kisses me before running ahead to grab his stuff.

while on the jet we discuss the case, 3 men killed and dumped in empty parking lots, most likely a hate crime against gay men as all three men were openly gay.

me and jj make our way to the ME's office, inspecting the bodies.

"hey jj, does your victim have a number behind their ear?" i ask her, finding a number 3 on victim number 1.

"yeah, victim number 2 has a 4 and victim number 3 has a number 6" she tells me, moving to the other body to look behind their ear.

"does this mean we're missing three victims?" i ask her.

"i think so. let's call hotch" she says before thanking the ME and leading the way back to the car before dialling hotch on the speaker phone.

"what have you got?" he asks in his usual stern tone.

"y/n found numbers behind the victims ear, 4-6, it looks like we're missing three victims, or maybe he's keeping them alive for a reason" jj informs him, sharing her theory.

"great job, keep us posted" he says before hanging up.

"so, are you going to tell me why you keep skipping girls nights?" jj asks me, referring to the last 5 times that i've cancelled on girls nights because i've been spending the night with spence.

"u-uh... i met a guy. we've been seeing each other quite a bit" i tell her, not entirely lying. i have been seeing a guy, i'm just not telling her it's spencer.

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