y/n hotchner

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hotchs sister come to his work to take photos of the team, spencer takes an interest to her but doesn't make a move until hotch encourages him to go!

"excuse me, sorry but do you know where i could find aaron hotchner? i got told this is his floor" you ask a young man as you enter the bullpen of the BAU.

"uhm- i'm s-sorry. who are you?, what's your relationship w-with mr hotchner?" he asked stuttering. this happened a lot. apparently you were 'perfect' according to many people. you however couldn't see it.
"oh right of course, sorry i should've started with that. i'm y/n hotchner. i'm aaron's sister. he asked me to come by today with my camera equipment" you answer, picking up your camera to show him.
"ah, yes he t-told me you'd be coming. a-apologies ms hotchner. i'm agent an- uhm agent anderson. hotch will be u-up there in that room just up those s-stairs" he says pointing up to a line door up a short amount of stairs.

"thank you so much, have a good day" you walked up the stairs, and stopped in front of the door he pointed to. not wanting to just walk in, you knocked and after hearing a welcoming "come in" from your brother, you entered what you learned to be the conference room. as soon as you walked in, all eyes were on you, some looked at you with confusion, some had their mouths hung open.

"you're a little late y/n" aaron looked at you, to everyone else he would've seemed stern, but you saw that playful look he's always had in his eyes since you were a kid. you flipped him off, earning a few gasps from everyone else.
"everyone, this is y/n willis, also known as y/n hotchner. my sister" everyone was shocked to say the least. they all shared looks of confusion.
"y/n decided to take our mother's maiden name, which was a good choice especially in my line of work. y/n, this is david rossi, emily prentiss, derek morgan, jennifer or jj and lastly spencer reid" once your brother had finished introducing his coworkers, you couldn't help but feel butterflies in your stomach at the sight of spencer reid.

you gave a small wave, "excuse me for not shaking hands, i would but lots of germs get spread through handshakes" you told them, instead opting for a little wave. "i could totally fist bump you guys-" you started but were cut off by a blond in a bright dress, who you learned was penelope garcia.
"i'm sorry i couldn't hold it in anymore! but you are literally gorgeous, like so perfect that most of the people we put away would kill you because of how perfect you are it's almost impossible" you looked at your brother, a bit concerned but nonetheless penelope continued, "not that you would ever get killed because we would protect you of course! and oh my gosh, i love your hair. that is the coolest ever, and that's coming from me- i'm like the queen of cool. OMG! we should totally hang out if that's okay with you, i already know we're going to become best fri-" penelope was cut off by hotch.

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