wrongfully accused - part 3

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y/n gets framed for murder and goes to jail, after a few months she finally gets released and is back with spencer

~ 2 and a half months later ~

'dear stupid fucking diary. over the span of 2 months no no nearly 3 fucking months i've gotten ambushed and hurt 4 times. first was when i first got here. the second time was for revealing a drug stash. the third was when i refused to attack someone else. and the forth landed me in the infirmary for 1 week because i got stabbed. i don't know how much longer i can stay here i'm slowing starting to lose all hope i ever had. the prison therapist encourages everyone to keep a journal. the only good thing is that no one knows that i'm FBI.' i threw the journal across my cell from rage, before i started sobbing quietly.

just at that moment a guard came to my cell "Stand Up" i stood up and put my wrists out to get handcuffed, expecting to be meeting with my lawyer. "Not today, come let's move"

'why isn't she cuffing me?' i thought to myself. instead of going to the private visitation rooms i got sent into the nurses room and got handed a bag of my court clothes.

"wha- am i getting released?!" i asked the guard.
"yes get a move on" she replied in her usual sharp tone. i wasted no time putting my formal court hearing clothes on.

i got led outside where i saw Spencer, my dad, Emily and JJ all waiting for me. i started crying slowly walking over to them with my limp.
Spencer ran the rest of way to me lifting me up and then kissing me. i whispered i was so sorry for what i said to him those months ago.

that's when he noticed my limp. "baby what happened? are you okay?" he quickly asked
"i am now" i replied.

i finished hugging my dad, then emily and finally JJ. i explained to them that i was also sorry for saying they couldn't visit me, but thank you for doing it.

"it's fine, you were doing what you could to keep yourself safe. we're just glad we got you back but we're sorry it took so long" Emily reassured me

"it's fine, i-i'm here now"

on the way back to the BAU they explained who the real murderer was. it turns out an unsub i killed in New Mexico 7 months ago, it was his brother. he wanted revenge. when they found him he had multiple photos of me around this warehouse, even photos of the dead body which initiated his arrest.

as soon as the elevator doors opened i was enveloped in a hug by penelope. i sunk into the hug, missing her daily hugs. i was greeted by everyone else, before getting led to the conference room where they set up a party. that night we all shared 2 bottles of wine among us 10 overjoyed adults.

as soon as spencer and i got home we spent some quality time together before laying in bed. he started tracing the scar that was forming on my thigh, before leaning down to kiss it. he saw the bruises on my stomach as well, causing him to apologise non stop.

"babe please stop apologising. i'm just thankful that i'm here now. they don't even hurt" i reassured him. he was in one of his soft/calm moods so i took this as my chance.

"can i ask you something?" i hesitated reaching to play with his long scruffy hair.
"anything baby" he responded quickly.
"can we get a puppy?" he looked at me before laughing and saying "of course but what about when we have cases?" i thought for a moment "i'll see if my dad and jack can look after him. please baby" i begged, using my puppy dog eyes.

"of course as long as after we get the dog, we cuddle in bed all day. we'll go looking tomorrow, but right now i want to lay in bed with my beautiful girlfriend who i haven't been able to hold like this for months."

and with that said i moved closer to him, practically laying on him, i started to move so i wasn't on top of him before he stopped me "no no. stay like this please. i need to be able to hold you" he spoke, leaning down to kiss me.

i nodded before kissing his bare chest, and going to sleep. all the memories of prison flowing away. i was finally free, and happy.
word count- 767

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