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you notice spencer hasn't been the same since tobias hankle and you uncover a secret he didn't want anyone to know.

warnings: drug addiction
i'd noticed spence hadn't been the same, but i knew for sure something was up when he went off on emily outside of the homeless shelter. he's never yelled at someone before like that, not even to unsubs. and poor emily, i felt so bad, just standing there not knowing what to do.

i decided i'd approach him when we got back to virginia because i didn't want to make a big scene in front of the team.

throughout the rest of the case reid was more agitated and snapped a lot more than he ever would.

thankfully we got back to virginia a few days later at 8:30pm, that gave me enough time to talk to spence without him using an excuse that it was late.

i went to my apartment first and changed as well as packed an over night bag just in case, before leaving to go to spencer's apartment.

i got to his apartment pretty quickly because of the lack of traffic, leaving my overnight bag in the car before waking up to apartment B23. i knocked on his door, him answering after about 3 minutes - longer than usual.

"y-y/n? what are you doing here?" at first he seemed relieved to see me, but then his whole demeanour changed and he seemed... angry to see me.

"we need to talk" i tell him, figuring the only way we're going to be discussing this if i use as much agitation as he. i push past him into his apartment, standing in the living room.

"what the hell! you can't just barge in here!" he yells at me, shutting and locking the door.

"what is going on with you? you've chang-" i begin, also raising my voice.

"i've changed? really, y/n? god grow up, serio-" he begins to yell back, taking a few steps closer.

"no! you don't get to yell at me, you're going to sit down and shut up while i talk!" i yell back, becoming a bit shocked when he actually does sit down.

"look spence, i don't know what happened when you were alone with tobias, but i know that you've changed - and it hasn't been for the better. i-i miss my best friend! i m-miss the guy who used to call me so we could watch a doctor who episode at our own apartments but be on a phone call so we'd basically be watching the episode together! i miss my b-best frie- friend who i love! who i care about! not this person sitting in front of me. h-he doesn't care about others. he is not my best friend, spencer reid is" i tell him, my voice cracking a few times as tears slowly fall down.

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