night time shenanigans

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some of the team is a drunken mess and spencer is basically the parent watching over them.

how you guys ended up here, you'll never know.

you invited the team over for some drinks and to de-stress from the all the back to back cases you guys have had. after having some takeout and talking for a bit, hotch, rossi and jj had to leave.

so now you, spencer, derek, emily and garcia were all drunk laying in your back yard stargazing.

"guys i swear i just saw the cat in the hat made out of stars, omg" you said, completely serious.

everyone laughed at you, clearly you were the most drunk.

you sat up, clearing your throat to get everyone's attention.

"hey guys. let's play never have i ever!" you said excitedly.

cheers and groans came from the other 4 laying down near you. eventually they all sat up, looking at you.

"ok i'm going to get the shot glasses and vodka. i'll be back oooh" you slurred, tripping every now and then while walking back inside.

you came back out with 5 shot glasses, falling over your heels on your way out.

"ow! shut fucking bitch! i hate these stupid heels. GUYS! stop laughing and help please!" you yelled at them, all of them were huddled over laughing.

of course spencer came over to help you.

"hey baby. what are you doing down there?" he joked.

"spenceeeee. help me please. take these i don't think they broke" you say handing him the shot glasses and the vodka.

he put them down on the grass near the others before coming over to help you up. you wrapped your legs around his waist kissing his nose while he walked you over to the others.

as soon as you sat down you kicked your heels off, having enough of them for a lifetime.

"who's stupid mind decided to make high heels. why couldn't jimmy choo make flat heels. oh wait- sandals" you gasped at your drunken realisation.

"actually jimmy choo didn't invent high heels, Catherine de Medici invented them in the 16th century" spencer stated happily, looking around at his friends reactions.

"how does your brain still know these things when you're drunk?" garcia asked, making many different hand gestures as she speaks.

"i'm actually not drunk. i've only had 1 drink over the whole 5 hours we've been here. i like to be sober so i can watch y/n" he says, smiling over at you, you lean in kissing him softly.

"alright break it up lovers" derek jokes.

"LETS START!" emily shouts excitedly, pouring out the shots for everyone.

"never have i ever had sex at work" garcia starts, looking directly at you and spencer.

"come on guys! it was one time. we hadn't seen each other for a while because he was in the hospital and i'd gone away for cases. to our defence we thought everyone had gone home!" you explain, you and spencer taking the shots.

"ok moving on. never have i ever had a threesome" emily says.

you and derek both had a shot, spencer shooting you a look.

"w-what? did you and derek-?" he asks.

"OMG NO! ew, no offence. the only threesome i've ever had was in college. never with derek, i swear baby" you tell him, seeing him visibly sigh a breath of relief.

you guys played a couple more rounds, instantly getting bored. somehow you guys ended up telling each other some crazy stories.

"oh my gosh i have a story. so this was after the first time i'd stayed at spencer's apartment, and i was still sleeping and he'd gone out to get breakfast. and then someone knocked on the door and i looked and saw it was hotch and i kind of like, forgot i was in spences apartment so i opened the door in just this thin white tank top and spencer's boxers. and that's how hotch found out about us" you told everyone, immediately laughter filled your backyard.

"guys it's getting late and i keep getting attacked by mosquitoes, let's go to bed" spencer said, helping you up, leaning down to pick up your shoes, the shot glasses and the bottle of vodka.

"uh- there's 3 guest bedrooms down here and each has a guest bathroom. make yourself comfy. i don't think there's a case tomorrow so sleep in as long as you want" you tell the remaining members of the team, who were way too drunk to drive home.

"i didn't say this earlier, but your house is really nice guys. but why such a huge house for just you two?" derek asked you and spencer.

he was right, this house was huge. nearly bigger than rossi's mansion. it had 6 bedrooms, including the master, 3 living rooms, 2 studies and 4 bathrooms. plus the pool and huge backyard. the house used to be your grandparents, to say that they were rich was an understatement. when your grandma died at the hospital, your grandpa went into a retirement home where he could get full-time care, telling you he wanted you to start a family and live in that house, plus he also gave you some of his saved up money as a 'bonus'. after getting this 'gift' as your grandfather called it, you told spencer that you were moving there and considering you'd been dating for nearly 8 months, you moved in together. you promised spencer you'd buy him more bookshelf's and turn one of the living rooms into a library, which you did. the walls were lined with bookshelves on each side, the back wall having a sofa and floor lamp for him to be able to relax when reading.

"it used to be my grandparents. but my grandma died a few years back and my grandfather went into retirement he told me he wanted me to have the house. and yeah it is huge but i couldn't leave the house without tenants and i didn't want to sell it so. but actually derek, spencer and i have actually been talking and we want to do some renovations, if you're willing to help?" you ask him, hoping to start planning on how you want things done soon.

"of course lovers. but right now i need some sleep, soo goodnight all. i hope i don't hear any moaning lovebirds" he jokes, walking backward to his desired guest room, walking into the wall.

everyone laughs before making their way to their rooms, you and spencer walking up the stairs, hand in hand.

"spenceeee" you whine out.

"yes bub?" he asks, getting pyjamas for you and him, making his way over to you.

"i love you, you genius" you tell him, squishing his cheeks together, causing him to laugh loudly.

"i love you too, here step into the boxers" he tells you, helping you into a pair of his boxers.

he helps you take of your bralette, you grabbing it and throwing it to the side, "stupid bra" you mutter, hearing spencer chuckle while pulling one of his sweaters over your head, leading you into the bathroom.

he helps you take off your makeup, washing your face for you then continuing to do your skincare and brush your hair before braiding it in a simple braid.

he helps you into bed, turning the fan hanging above the bed on before getting himself ready for bed, going back into the bathroom to get some aspirin for you to take now and in the morning.

he strips down to his boxers, coming to lay next to you, you instantly snuggling up to him. he kisses your head, before you both fall asleep in the arms of your forever.
word count - 1295

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