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you have a nightmare about spencer and he helps you calm down and fall back asleep.

you and the team had a been called down to Los Angeles to track down an unsub who was torturing and killing couples. you and spencer were sent undercover as a couple, even though you guys were really dating (secretly). but the unsub got you guys without the team knowing. you awoke to find spencer was tied to a chair, blood dripping down the side of his head. he had many broken bones. he was in front of you, you also tied to a chair, with minor stab wounds to your thighs and arms. suddenly the unsub walked in. "well, you're both finally awake" he laughed, reaching behind him to pull out a gun, "i'm sure you guys know how i like to do things, i always kill the male first" and with that, he pointed the gun at spencer, and shot. a kill shot. you started screaming "NO! OH MY GOD. NO SPE-

"SPENCER!" you sat upright in bed, hyperventilating. sweat was dripping down your forehead and you could feel the sweat covering you body, making your clothes stick to you.

suddenly you felt a hand rubbing your back, "baby what's wrong?" spencer asked. you started crying uncontrollably. he tried to hug you, but you stopped him

"d-don't. i'm all swea-" you tried to tell him, but he cut you off. 
"i don't care. what's wrong baby?" he pulled you to lay down with him, continuing to rub your back.

"i-i had a n-nightmare. we got k-kidnapped, and h-he shot y-yo-" your voice cracked as more tears fell

"hey, hey. i'm right here beautiful, and i promise you i am not going anywhere. we still have our future together, our marriage, our family to start and so much more babe. i swear i'm never going to leave you" he reassured you in a soft, calm voice.

you leaned up to give him a quick peck.

"i'm going to go for a shower, i won't be able to go back to sleep all sweaty" you told him, getting up and heading over the dresser to get new clothes to wear to bed. you gathered a black tank top, grey sleep shorts and a new pair of panties and made your way to the bathroom to begin the shower.

you did your normal routine, you washed only your scalp/roots of your hair with your almond and vanilla scented shampoo, then rinsed your hair. you then put in your corresponding conditioner, only on the ends and let that sit while you washed your body using your rose scented body wash and a ph wash for down there. you stood there for a couple of minutes, just relaxing a little.

meanwhile after you left to get ready for a shower, spencer got the bed ready with warm blankets and extra pillows. he then got the tv turned onto netflix ready for you to pick a movie. he also turned the fan on cause he knows it helps you sleep. once he heard the shower turn off, he then went into the bathroom just as you finished wrapping your towel around you.

he looked at you and could visibly see the exhaustion you were experiencing. he opened his arms wide, wanting to comfort you.

you hesitated a little, considering you just got out of the shower so your body and hair was wet.

"baby, i'm wet" you both couldn't help the smirks that crossed your faces as that was normally something you'd say in the bedroom. instead spencer walked over to you and hugged you, clearly not caring about you being wet (from the shower)

he pulled back, keeping you at arms length, "you need to stop putting so much pressure on yourself at work baby, you're tiring yourself out and it isn't good" he told you a tone that he talked with victims with, it was his caring tone.

you were too exhausted to reply or argue so you just nodded. he left the bathroom, entering again less than a minute later with a pair of his boxers, "wear these instead" he snatched your sleep shorts you'd picked and replaced them with the boxers. you quickly moisturised your body then started getting dressed. once dressed you put on your deodorant and added your leave in serum to your hair. before leaving the bathroom, you sprayed your cloud perfume and made your way back to the bedroom where you saw extra blankets and pillows, the tv turned onto netflix and the ceiling fan on.

"what's this?" you questioned, even though it was obvious.

"we are going to snuggle up and watch either a movie or a series until you fall asleep in my arms so you know i'm not going anywhere. the fan helps you sleep and i know we might get hot with all these blankets so..." he answered simply

you smiled and kissed his in a loving way, it wasn't a kiss that would lead to sex after it, it was a kiss that said "i love you" without actually saying it, but of course you were still going to say it.

"i love you. and thank you... for being you" you kissed his nose, an action he loved.

"i love you too beautiful. and you're welcome i guess" he giggled not really knowing how to respond to the last part of your statement.

and with that you guys snuggled together, watching paddington bear with the fan going. spencer would constantly rub his thumb over your entwined hands or run the fingers up and down your side to reassure you he was still here.

it didn't take you long to fall asleep at all, but before you fell asleep, you heard spencer mumble something next to you,

"you smell good"


word count - 966

HELLO!! omg thank you guys so much for 2k reads? what!!!!!!! i fell like i only reached over 1k reads yesterday. also sorry for not really updating much but i went away for the holidays (still within my state as my state is out of lockdown)

also i had an idea but i wanted your guys opinion. so i'm thinking of making and outfits book? where i can put work outfits, clubbing outfits, rossi's mansion dinner party's outfits, casual outfits, sleeping clothes, etc? that way you guys can get an idea for my one shots or even any story you guys read as i know not many books provide what their outfit looks like for
y/n. but let me know if i should do that or not!!

again thank you so much for 2k reads, you guys are amazing and i love you <33

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