why me

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you weren't cool like your boyfriend, you didn't work for the FBI, you were a bookstore worker just walking home at night- what you didn't expect was to get attacked.

tw: rape
"bye stacey!" you yell out as you finish your shift at the bookstore and begin the normal route home.

you turn down the alley way, eager to get home and see spence.

you start thinking of how much you've missed him
since he's been on a case, how much you missed cuddling with hi-

your thoughts are cut off as your thrown against the metal fence, falling back onto the ground, your purse flying far away from you.

you look up and see a man, middle aged standing over you.

you don't know what's about to happen, but he keeps hitting you and once you're weak enough, he pulls down your pants, then your panties and your worst nightmare happens.

"no" you whisper out as he begins taking away your innocence, ruining your life.

"please stop" you beg and plead as he continues his torture against you.

you give up on trying to stop him, you're weak right now, you don't stand a chance at all. once he's finally done, he hits you one more time before taking off down the alley, leaving you there, vulnerable. you crawl over to your purse, pants and panties still down.
you need to call spencer or someone.

you grab your purse and yank out your phone, dialling spencer.

"hey baby! where are you?" he greets excitedly.

"spence" you weakly the whisper out.

"baby? baby what's wrong? what happened?" he rushes out, you can hear his keys in the background indicating he's coming to you.

"i-i need... i need you" you cry out, not wanting to say what happened, the thought makes you sick.

"baby what happened? i'm on my way but stay on the line, okay?"

"i don't want to say" you cry out as you crawl over to near the fence, wanting to stay out of view from anyone.

"o-ok, that's fine, i'm on my way, alright i'll be there soon. stay on the line with me o-okay?" you can tell he's trying to stay strong for you, but his voice cracking gives him away.

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