the walking dead

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your life was in danger and you were given only one choice to save everyone you love, but now it's time for the truth to come out.

(this gif is so freaking cute omg)

tw: mentions of death + torture
1 year ago:
"any last words, agent y/l/n?" asks the man you despise, the one you thought you'd never see again

"go. to. hell" you spit out, emphasising each word with disgust.

you're weak, so weak at this time. you're still hanging onto hope, hope that the team will save you in time. but that hope is slowly slipping away.

"i guess i'll see you there" he says, a sickly evil smile on his face as he raises his hand and stabs the knife straight in your abdomen, dragging it down.

you've witnessed victims die, you've seen them get stabbed or shot in front of you... but this? you could hear your flesh- your skin ripping as he dragged the knife down.

you let out a blood curdling scream as he yanks the knife out, blood pouring out non stop.

he lets out a laugh at your pain, and as you take your last breath, you see him running away just before your team bursts in.
you wake up the sound of beeping and movement around you. you groggily open your eyes and the first thing you register is the unbearable pain in your abdomen.

"you're awake" you hear a stern voice say, one you'd recognise even if it was masked.

"aaron? w-where am i?" you ask as your vision finally comes in focus. you were expecting the whole team to be there, especially spence, but it's just aaron.

"where spence?" you ask him, tears appearing in your eyes.

"y/n... you lost a lot of blood during your fight with mark, and he got away before we were able to catch him. he needs to think you're dead... this means you have to fake your death" aaron tells you outright.

"what? n-no! i'm not pulling an emily, okay! i'm not leaving spencer or this team-" you start to argue with him.

"y/n if you don't do this, spencer is at risk, we're at risk, you'll be at risk again, and you might not survive this time. quite frankly, i don't want to have to bury you for real or another team member" hotch argues back.

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