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spencer gets shot in the thigh while working a case and needs to have a couple days off, you panic a little as you can't imagine a life without spencer, ever
i was currently sat on the couch in mine and spencer's apartment, reading a book when my phone rang, showing spencer's contact.

"hey ba-" i begin before getting cut off by someone that is not spencer.

"y/n! it's emily, spencer got shot in the thigh about an hour ago, he's alright he has stitches and he'll need crutches, but could you come down here? we're at the local hospital in DC" emily informs me.

i instantly rush to put on a pair of mom jeans, a bralette and a cardigan before grabbing my keys and quickly slipping on my shoes and rushing out the door.

the drive to the hospital is pretty quick, not much traffic been out today. as soon as i enter the main entrance i see jj there waiting for me, her showing me the way to his room before telling me he's fine.

i rush into his room, seeing him eating some red jello. this man and his jello.

"silly, silly boy!" i tell him, sitting beside him on the bed.

"it's just the thigh, babe. it's nothing ba-" he begins to tell you before you quickly cut him off.

"wrll say what you want but aaron already told me that you're required to have a couple days off and in that time i'm going to become your primary care physician! that means bed rest, home cooked meals, massages, reading to you-" you begin, already enjoying the idea of getting to take care of spencer.

"no, no, no. you have work, plus i don't need looking after when i have mallory!" he tells you, referring to the puppy you guys brought not too long ago.

"mallory is a puppy. i am an accrual nurse- ok nurse in training. and before you try to stop me with the whole 'you have work' thing, it's study week before my big test that officiates me becoming a nurse, this could be great practise!" you tell him, knowing you'll get your way.

"fine. but only because you're cute" he tells you, moving over to the left side of the bed and patting the right side for you to lay next to him.

you take hesitant steps forward, worried about hurting him.

"you're not going to hurt me" he says softly, patting the spot once again.

you quickly take off your shoes and snuggle in next to him, holding his hand while you doze off, tired from the events of today.

you're work up by spencer gently shaking you, opening your eyes to see the doctor standing in the room.

"sorry to bother you both, but doctor reid if you'd like to leave you can, just sign these papers and collect your crutches or if you wish to stay a while longer you can" the doctor explains, holding the release papers in hand.

you quickly sit up and put your shoes back on, knowing spencer will want to leave.

he signs the papers and you go with the doctor to get the crutches, coming back and helping spencer get used to them.

you lead him to the car, putting his go bag and the crutches in the back before helping him into the passenger seat.

it isn't long before you're back at the apartment, collecting the bags and helping spencer with his crutches again.

thank goodness for the elevator in the apartment complex.

as soon as you open the door you place all the bags down and help spence over to the couch.

"y/n really, you don't have to do this" he tries to tell me for like the fourth time since we left the hospital.

i laugh a little before taking the seat next to him, "will you stop? i want to take care of you! are you hungry?" i ask getting up and starting to make a grilled cheese sandwich when he responds with "yes"

"come on, shower time" i tell him, wrapping his arms around my shoulders to lead him to the bathroom.

"okay maybe we should put you in the bath instead?" i suggest before helping him sit on the bed. i then go to the bathroom and start the bath, putting only a little amount of bubbles in. i let the bath fill up for a bit before helping spence sit in the bath.

he seems a bit shocked before asking, "are you not hopping in?"

i shake my head no, "i'm going to have a shower after" i explain before getting up to grab a cup and wet his hair. i begin massaging the shampoo in his head before rinsing it out with the cup. i then put conditioner in his hair and let that sit.

"how did you even get shot?" i ask him not really knowing exactly how he got shot. all i knew was that it was during a case.

"well there was an unsub who was threatening this doctor right? everyone else was gone and he went outside and i just- i'm not really sure how it happened honestly. i remember pushing him out of the way and then suddenly... i have a gunshot wound in my thigh" he explains to me as i finishing washing out the conditioner.

"you had me worried, you know. i-i mean i know it was only the thigh... but still" i tell him as i help him balance and wrap a towel around his waist.

"i'm sorry i had you so worried" he says pulling me in for a hug. even though he's all wet and barely dry, i still melt into the hug.

"you're all i have left. everyone from my family stopped talking to me after i dropped out of art school and started medical school... i-i have no friends here... it's just you. a-and i cant l-lose you" i tell him, holding back some tears.

"and you won't. you will never lose me, ever" he explains, kissing my head.
word count - 1109
hey y'all! sorry for not updating for a while. i have sort of lost motivation with writing as well as the fact that i was sick and i still am but i'm sort of getting better! also i've been trying to fill out required forms so i can get a job and it's been quite stressful, but i'm back!

i'm not sure when the next update will be, but i do plan on writing out one shots AND staring to written the story but not publishing any chapters yet!

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