mask part 2

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after the unsub presents himself as a medic, a hostage situation becomes the BAUs top priority.

as soon as he said that, your heart dropped.

would you be able to save this little girl? she already lost her mother, nearly lost her father and her own life.

"h-hey- get behind me, get behind me" you quickly rush out, frantically waving your hand as the little girl runs behind you, gripping your shirt.

"irven you don't have to do this... okay? l-let her go, let her get to the hospital and get checked out. kill me not her" you try to negotiate.

"you aren't involved in this," he spits out, "you're just collateral damage"

"and she is 7 years old! she's hardly lived her life and you've already taken 1 thing from her. the thing every girl needs in her life. please let her go. i-i'll help you find who you're looking for, i'll help you find your wife and your kids, ok?!" you reason.

after hearing that you'll help him find the people who need protection from him, his ears perk up.

he comes around from the front seat, grunting as he side steps all the medical gear in the back, slowly approaching you and the little girl - who's name you still don't know.

"i swear to god," he begins, slowly moving his hand to behind his back, before brining it back out, revealing a gun, "if you're lying, i'll kill you... and her" he seethes, sending daggers at the little girl cowered behind you.

"i'm not, ok? i-i got access to her file when we figured out who you were. i'll take you to her"

he slowly moves his gaze from the little girl to you, before nodding swiftly, tucking the gun back into the medics uniform and going back to the drivers seat, grunting as he does so.

you breathe out in relief at the thought of this little girl making it out alive. you turn around and bring her into your lap, cradling her head and lowering your mouth to her ear.

"i need you to keep real quiet, alright?" you whisper into her ear, flicking your eyes up to watch irven. he seems distracted with driving and possibly the thought of seeing his family again.

she nods against you, tightening her arms around your waist.

"what's your name?" you ask quietly.

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