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deciding to go to a club to relieve some stress, their night is soon turned upside down when someone tries to roofie y/n. a new truth comes out.
you hated this. coming home from a case with the weight of all the grief and stress still clinging to you. normally the team likes to go out after solving a case and celebrate with drinks, but everyone is so drained that they all went home. there was no way you could just stay in tonight, so you decided to call your best friend, spencer. while he was your best friend he also doubled as your crush, but no one knew, and you planned on keeping it that way.

"hey, everything okay?" he answers on the second ring, his caring nature already showing 0.01 seconds into the call.

you let out a laugh at his caring state, "yes spence, everything is fine. do you want to go and get some drinks? i know you sometimes struggle after cases and i do too" you explain to him.

"yeah, the usual place?" he agrees almost instantly.

"yeah, i'll meet you there" you respond before hanging up and preparing to get ready.

not bothering with a shower you slip out of you dress pants and instead put on black baggy jeans with a white graphic baby tee. as you take off your heeled boots you let out a sigh of relief.

"don't get me wrong you make me taller, but you're a pain in your ass" you say aloud to your shoes.

"god this has gotta be your lowest point" you say to yourself as you slip on and tie up your platform black converse. you quickly grab your small handbag and move everything you need from your work bag to your purse and head out, double checking the doors locked.

as you arrive at the club you see spencer's car parked a little further ahead, parking your car and getting out. as soon as you enter the overwhelming smell of sweat and drinks filling your nose.

it doesn't take you long to find spencer at the club, he stands out, after all, he's probably the only one at the club wearing a sweater vest and blazer. making your past the sweaty bodies physically makes you gag but you eventually arrive at the little table spencer has occupied.

"hey" he greets as you sit down, pushing your blue lagoon drink towards you.

"you should really lose the sweater best and blazer doctor," you begin before taking a sip of your drink, "thanks for the drink" you smile gratefully as you continue to sip your drink.

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