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spencer comes home with stitches and y/n goes mommy mode on him.

(not me spending over an HOUR just to find this specific gif. key words were literally not working)
i hate when spencer was out on a case, but i especially hated when he'd call and tell me he'd be home in however many hours because it felt like time slowed down.

to make the time pass, i decided to bake, something i love but don't get to do too often. i pulled out the recipe book that my grandma gave me years ago, flipping to the desserts section and browsing the options. i found a rocky road brownie recipe that seemed interesting as well as marshmallows cookies which sounded good - but would they taste good?

i decided to make both if i had the required ingredients (not that it really mattered because knowing me, i would've gone to store so i could make them) i was surprised when i opened the pantry to see we had everything and most of it wasn't even opened.

i begun mixing everything for the cookies together first, making sure everything was mixed and my hands were clean before using my hands to make the cookie shapes. once everything for the cookies was done i popped them in the oven and begun making the brownie mixture, pouring the whole thing into a rectangle tray. i popped those in the oven to bake while i cleaned the dishes and the benches.

the cookies were finished before the brownies so i let them cool down before moving them to a container.

10 minutes before the brownies were supposed to come out the oven, i see spencer walk into the kitchen - he must've snuck in without me hearing - but what caused me shock was the stitches he had on his head. don't get me wrong, spencer has been shot before and in dangerous situations but i still panic over stitches.

"baby! what happened?" i ask immediately moving to his side and lightly touching the stitches.

"i took down an unsub!" he tells me proudly, completely ignoring my question about his stitches.

"i'm proud babe, but what happened here" i ask pointing to his forehead where his stitches were set.

"i got a little hurt by said unsub" he says shyly, giving a small smile after his sentence.

"are you okay? does it hurt?" i quickly ask, moving to the freezer to grab some frozen peas and handing them to him to place over his stitches.

"hey, i'm fine. this isn't necessary" he says moving to put the peas back.

"still! how long do the stitches have to be on? i don't want your pretty face getting ruined" i joke with him.

"haha you're funny. they only have be on for about week - and please, we all know you're only with me because of my huge di-" he begins before i quickly cut him off.

"OK! the brownies should be ready, excuse me" i tell him, stepping around him to get the oven mitt and pull out the brownies.

"woah! you baked?" he asks, going to stick his finger in the middle of the brownie before i quickly smack it away.

"uh uh, mister you can wait until they're cooled down and i've cut them. but i did make marshmallow cookies" i say, moving aside to show off the cookies in the container before offering him one. he happily takes one, biting into it and chewing it before he gives large smile (showing the half eaten food in his mouth) before giving a thumbs up.

"eww spence!" i yell, covering his mouth, this man just chuckles.

once the brownies have been cut and i've put them away, i lead spencer into our bedroom.

"alright mister, i'm going to be taking care of you. come come" i say, leading him over to the dresser to get clothes for him and myself before going to the bathroom and starting the shower.

once in the shower i help him wash his hair, my hair staying dry as i washed it last night. i help him wash his body even though he's fully capable of doing it himself.

once we're both dressed i make him to sit on the bed, turning on the tv before quickly running out to grab a couple slices of brownie and a couple cookies.
once back in our room i see spencer struggling with the tv.

"hand me the control 'doctor of the dark ages'" i joke with him, getting netlfix set up.

i sit at the headboard of the bed, patting my chest for spencer to rest his head while i give him head scratches (something he loves, especially now with his shorter hair)

we settle on watching some doctor who, a show we both love before munching on our brownies and cookies.

after about three episodes i notice spencer isn't spitting out facts anymore, i get my phone and turn the camera on, holding it in front of spencer's face to see him deep in sleep. i quickly snap a couple photos, me photobombing my own photo in the background, pulling silly faces.

i make one of those my wallpaper before sending them to spencer's phone for him to see when he wakes up.

i softly poke his cheek, him grumbling something before snuggling closer to me.

"baby, lay down on your side quickly" i tell him, taking the plates and napkins out to the kitchen before returning and turning the tv off.

i hop on my side, pulling him closer to me before kissing all over his face - carefully kissing near his stitches.

"goodnight handsome, i love you" i whisper in his ear, him poking his head up from my chest and kissing my lips gently, whispering an 'i love you too' back.

that night before falling asleep, i give him a little head scratch and play with his scruffy, messy hair as well as rubbing my other hand up and down his back.
word count - 1006

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