three is a crowd

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you and spencer are drunk- very drunk, so drunk he suggests you guys have a threesome and at first, you agree, but not for long.

warnings: smut
"two rums and cokes, and here is that cheeseburger you asked for" says the bartender as he hands you and spencer your fourth? sixth drink? you've lost count.

after a rough case, everyone wanted to go home and relax, but you and spencer decided to go out for drinks, which quickly turned into drunkenly dancing on the dance floor.

you take a sip of your drink before taking a huge bite of the cheeseburger, savouring the taste of it before taking another sip of your drink. spencer snatches your burger and finishes the rest off, your body freezing as you continue to drink your drink.

how dare he?

"babe! really! order your own" you complain after finishing all your drink, your reaction a little delayed.

"babe! really! order your own" he mimics your voice, doing little hand gestures to complete the act.

"shut up" you say as he slap his chest softly, pulling him in by his tie, smashing your lips together. the kiss is soft and slow at first, before spencer places his hands on your waist, pulling you closer to him, that's when the kiss gets more heated and passionate.

"we're in a club lover boy" you say to him as you pull away, as much as you'd have liked to kept going.

time passes, you and spencer a little sober as you guys switched from rum and coke to iced tea and waters. it's now about 11pm and to say you're horny is an understatement. spencer when he's drunk is a whole other person and you're quite positive he's horny too.

"do you wanna go home and..." you trail off, hoping he'll catch on with that iq of his.

"we should have a threesome" he blurts out, seeming unfazed by what he just said. 

"what?!" you as him, in utter shock at his suggestion.

it's not that you're against the idea, it's just that you've never thought spencer would suggest something like that or even want to do something like that, plus you've never had one before. i mean it can't be that bad, right?

"unless you don't want to? you don't want to? forget i said anything, let's go home" he says as he grabs your hand and starts leading you out of the club, nearly tripping when you stop and pull him back to you.

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