run - part 2

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y/n helps keep henry safe. emily, y/n's best friend for 9 years leaves the bau.

after coming to the realisation that there was in fact another partner with the woman, who acted as a hostage, you and rossi go to jj and wills house, while the rest of the team either stays on site or goes to union station.

on the way you thought over a plan with rossi. "ok here's my idea. we're unaware if she's alone there or if there's her and someone else. but no matter what, i need to keep henry away incase there's gunfire. i'll head around back to their bedroom window which i'm hoping is open, when i'm in i'll radio for you to take your vest off and enter through the gate, hopefully getting her attention, try not to walk to fast that way i have time to move henry. when you're in the gate, go to their neighbour. the rest- i'll figure out" rossi nods in agreement.

you make your way to their backyard, quickly finding the open bedroom window. climbing in as quietly as you can, you peak down the hall to see henry colouring at the table as izzy walks around him. you quickly radio rossi and tell him you're in. as soon as you see izzy walk away you creep down the hall and whisper henry's name. he's about to run at you but you quickly put your finger up to your lips. when he gets you to you, you quickly tell him to go hide in his parents closet and to remain really quiet. once's he's there, you notice izzy still at the window. you open their pantry closet to throw her off before hiding around the corner.

izzy goes over to the pantry expecting to see henry there, before you turn the corner and cock your gun. she looks at you. "turn around" you sternly say. just at that moment henry says "aunty y/n", grabbing your attention.

izzy takes that as an opportunity to knock your gun out of your hand before you slam her against a wall, just as quick she slams you against another wall. you reach around and grab the closet thing, an empty vase. you smash it over her head. she falls to the floor and makes a beeline for her gun in her bag on the table. you quickly run over and grab the straps, making her drop the gun. you tighten the straps around her throat slamming her face in a piece of art in a frame on the wall. she pushes you back against a wall while you still have the straps around her throat. she slams her elbow into your stomach making you loosen your grip before you throw her against a wall.

when she's down you punch her before noticing henry standing there. "HENRY!" you yell and he runs. she takes this as an opportunity to punch you in your face with her elbow, making you fall back. she reaches for your gun you dropped earlier aiming at you before you quickly disarm it. she kicks you making you fall back before running straight for where henry is. you quickly follow her and throw her against a wall before fly kicking her and doing a full 360 spin. at that moment rossi comes in and cuffs her, you quickly get henry and hug him.

you have a couple cuts on your forehead and some bruises here and there but you'll live. right now you need to get this son to his parents. after finding out what room wills in, coming to the conclusion jj will be there, you, henry and rossi make your way there to see the couple sitting on the bed with the team all around them. as soon as henry sees them he runs for them yelling "MOMMY!!" you smile.

at that moment spencer rushes over to you "omg, baby are you okay?" he looks over your wounds, before motioning that he's taking you to get stitched up. you smile at him, "i'm fine." you start to get tears and he stops in his tracks, noticing. "hey, hey what wrong?" he questions.

you hesitate. "just- that older couple today. i don't know it was just sad. and then with henry, i didn't think i was going to be able to save him. she nearly shot me spence, if i hadn't been able to disarm the gun so quickly, i might be dead and henry..." you trail off finally letting your sobs free.

"hey. you saved a child, and were able to capture a women who is wanted in many different places of the world. don't you ever doubt yourself." he reassures you.

after getting stitches and getting an ice pack for the bruise on your stomach, which spencer insisted you kept over your bruises, you headed back to jj's room.

she came over to you and immediately enfolded you in a hug. "thank you. thank you for telling me to go to the hospital, thank you for saving henry." she whisper sobs. you hug her back, pulling back and smiling at her.

"by the way," you laugh "during the fight i may have slammed her head against that flower poster in the frame near the dining table and broke an orange vase over head. i'll replace them and if there's any other damage i'll pay to have that fixed. oh- and if there's any blood i'll clean that up because you know blood stains an-" you're cut off by jj quickly interrupting
"y/n it's fine seriously. you put yourself in danger to save henry, we should be repaying you." she laughs. at that moment henry runs over to you and hugs you. you hug him back, "and i'd do it again." you reply smiling at the boy.

the next day you and spence are lying in bed while he plays with your hair. you get a text from rossi saying he overheard a proposal between jj and will and he's throwing a surprise wedding. you tell spence. both quickly getting ready, you decide on a white silk material dress with a slit that goes up to your mid thigh along with black heels. before leaving spencer kisses you and tells you you're stunning.

when you arrive you see beth with jack and morgan at a chocolate fountain. you notice aaron and emily talking what seems to be a serious conversation. yesterday there was rumours going around from garcia that emily was leaving to work for interpol, seeing that conversation proved it.

let's just say jj was surprised but will knew about rossi's secret wedding he had planned for the two. jj looked stunning.

there came a time for dancing. first you danced with spencer of course, before changing partners multiple times. when the only person you hadn't danced with was emily, you quickly left the area, not noticing emily following behind you.

the thing about you and emily is that you've known each way longer than the 5 years you've been working at the BAU. you went to training together and hung out a lot outside of training. she was your ultimate best friend, no question about it.

you went to rossi's kitchen, when emily entered. "are you okay?" she questioned. "you're leaving aren't you?" you asked trying not to cry. "yeah... i am. it hasn't being an easy choice, but i can't stay here after what happened." you make your way over the her and cry, hugging her. "i'm gonna miss you. i wish you didn't have to leave. PROMISE me you will call o-or text me e-everyday ok?" she laughs while also crying and nods. "i'm gonna miss you too."

after saying goodbye to emily one last time that night, you and spencer headed back to your apartment. you made your way to your bedroom to get out of the dress, but you started crying, spence instantly rushed to your side
to hold you, not even having to ask what was wrong, he knew.

you were about to fall asleep sitting next to him when he quickly got up, went to his dresser and got a pair of his boxers out for you and one of your tanks tops. he handed them to you and told you you'd ruin your dress if you slept in it. you quickly got undressed from the dress, taking off your bra as well, then got dressed in the clothes spence gave you. spencer quickly stripped down to just his boxers before coming to the end of the bed where you sat, still crying. he helped you get into bed, playing with your hair and rubbing your back. you could feel yourself starting to drift off so you quickly gave him a passionate kiss and thanked him for being him.
word count - 1475
(i know that is long and it probably sucks but i will get better!)

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