emily's sister - part 1

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emily's sister is getting threats and fears she may be in danger, she goes to emily and her team for help resulting in the team attending a ball.

you rush into the BAU where your sister emily works and is also the unit chief. your name is amelia and you work in undercover ops. a couple years back you started getting very strange letters. but they were just letters, so you kept them to yourself. but now there was photos of you working, doing daily things and even some photos of you changing. you hadn't told anyone, but it was time to because not only were there photos, the letters were now more threatening.

you had never gone to the BAU before but you asked an agent who introduced himself as agent anderson where you could find emily and he pointed you towards a conference room.

you quickly make you there, opening the door immediately, everyone's gazes turn over to you all shocked.

"sorry for the intrusion, but i need to speak to emily. now." you rushed. she looked at you oddly, before speaking. "amelia, what's wrong?" she questioned. "do you guys have a case?" you quickly asked. "no- we do-" she started to respond. "you do now." you said grabbing all the letters you'd received as well as all the photos out of your bag and placed them on the table in front of the team. "amelia, what is this?" emily started to ask. "first of all, who are you?" questioned an older man. "everyone, this is amelia prentiss...my younger sister." she hesitated before saying you were her younger sister. everyone on the team shared looks of confusion. "they didn't know about me?" you question her. she just looks away. "we'll talk later. but right now i need your help. i work for undercover ops, i have for 14 years, ever since i was 21. about 2 years ago i started receiving 2 letters a month, every month, they weren't exactly threatening letters but they were... weird. nothing happened so i didn't tell anyone. until about 2 weeks ago it was just the letters. but then they started to get even more i don't know, serious?. the next day i received a large envelope filled with 15 photos, in some i'm working out, doing other daily things. but in a couple their zoomed up in my apartment bedroom window when i'm changing or have a towel around me." i began telling the group. emily started to talk before i cut her off, "i'm not finished. yesterday i received this text, along with this photo." i pulled up the text exchange and handed it to my sister. "we'll have a reunion on saturday, dress pretty. go to this address (insert random address, it will be a ballroom function)" read out emily. the photo was of you in nothing but a bra and a pair of boxer briefs in your bedroom opening your curtains.

everyone shared looks of confusion before the photo was displayed on the tv. emily looked over at you sternly. "what?" you question, clearly confused. "first of all, you didn't tell me knowing my line of work, second of all how's you get that scar and lastly when did you get a tattoo, let alone 2?" she asked. "i didn't tell you because you're always too busy and it wasn't that serious then. i got the scar on a case a couple years ago and i got tattoos because i wanted to- but that isn't important. by the way, the address, i already checked it out. there's some fancy event getting held there on saturday." you replied.

after some proper introductions were made, the team came to the conclusion that you would go to the event, and that the whole team would be there, posing as other guests.

the day of~

you woke up and left emily's spare bedroom to find her sitting at the dining table drinking coffee. there had been a weird tension but she insisted you stayed with her. you hated not talking to her. "i-i'm sorry i didn't tell you. it was stupid i know." you said quietly. she looked up, before standing up and hugging you. "it's okay. i'm sorry i haven't made much of an effort to contact you or even keep up to date with your life. please let's talk before we head over to the BAU and start to get you ready." you agreed and sat down, after a little small talk she finally asked the question you knew had being nagging her. "so do you have a boyfriend?" she questioned. you laughed, "no, but that doctor on your team is pretty cute. but i don't really know him and our lines of work, we'd barely see each other. besides there's no way he feels the same." you laughed. "trust me, he does. he told jj he thought you were pretty and she of course told me. you know. after Matt left to help with his new baby, we have been needing a new agent. and i mean you've done field work, undercover, you have the skills and you've passed all of your qualifications. if you wanted to you could take the 2 month training to become a profiler. only if you want to though." she suggested. your eyes widened at the idea. you'd love to. "yeah. i've actually being thinking about leaving undercover ops. my life nearly needed at 5 times just last year alone." you laugh.

you and your sister make your way to BAU to see all the men already in suits. you quickly glance over at reid, who is already staring at you. he quickly turns away.

after the girls helped you, you looked... beautiful. and you never thought you looked beautiful. but wow. all of the other girls looked stunning as well. (picture of your dress at the top!)

as you walked down the small of the stairs, you noticed luke nudge spencer. when he looked at you, his jaw nearly hit the floor.

you made your way over to the group of boys, the girls following behind you. "we'll, let's do this then." you sighed about to walk off. "wait! shouldn't you girls have guns with you?" questioned luke. the men of course had their guns hidden by the blazers.

considering you weren't brining a purse as a way to not cause detection to your stalker, you had to keep your gun on your right thigh. all the other girls showed the men their guns in their purses/clutches. when they all looked at you, you smirked before moving the slit over to the right side to reveal a small strap around your thigh with a gun hidden. all the boys raised their eyebrows.

in the elevator you could feel someone watching you. you were hoping it was spencer.
word count - 1150

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