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Regarding the publishing of the book again: Please check my note on the message board or in the prologue. I did a lot of changes on the book, but the vital one is that I changed the main character's name from Y/N to Aurora. If you notice a text of it saying Y/N and not the new name do point it out and I'll change it :))

I missed you guys! Welcome back, my loves!

And for those of you who are new:

Boy are you about to experience some things.


It's ironic, such beautiful things we can lay our eyes upon in this world, the way flowers reflect positive auras onto the deadly and sometimes toxic suffocation people may go through, but it's about if we are too distracted by our own light, how much light we reflect, and some, some don't even have light at all, and refuse to touch it, to taste it, to witness it.

And I was too of such kind, too occupied by the things that brought me into the dark, too blinded and too afraid.

But for a moment, even if it was just for a moment, I found my light.

And it wasn't the little things, believe me I noticed them but they weren't enough to shine my world. It was a person, a gift, a manipulative lullaby that sang to me since I was little yet my ears could never hear it.

I used to fantasise about a protecter, it's mesmerising how we can create such strong beautiful creatures in our mind, shaping them into our own form of toxic desires, that might be because of our own problems, wanting to feel secure, safe, because the real world, real people weren't exactly trustworthy, they didn't feel as real as what we wanted, what we craved and needed.

Because the real world is ugly.

And I got to experience just how ugly it was, how ugly people were, and how comforting yet repulsive the darkness that I was born into could be.

But this isn't about that, it isn't about what I hoped my life would be like, it's about how it was. And how it changed once I met a boy, a real one, a beautiful and impulsive character.

And how he was my light, just as he was my darkness.

He covered my world like a blanket, and I felt his warmth. And I sure hope you feel it too, just like the warmth of the sun when it's power lays upon your face and the breeze hits you while you're surrounded by your favourite nothings.

I hope you find the light in your darkness, just like I found mine, because he was both. He was both and everything in between.

And this is it, the story, the emotions of such shining bright darkness that would suffocate you and make you prey, because the thought of not fighting back weakened you to the core.

This is my story.

The story of how Nagini's Daughter fell in love with the boy that wanted her dead.

"Do you like the pain?"

The students were all scattered in the great hall, it was filled with laughter and talkings such as the food, classes and little fights. The air was warm and positive, all houses transforming into solidarity as they ate.

"I dont even know what to think of you anymore.." Hermione whispered and Ron pulled his head up, mouth full of food. "You think of me, huh?" Harry chuckled as Ron tried to talk , it came out muffled and some bits fell on Hermione's top, making her scream and shove him away.

"You are repulsive, Ron!" She shouted at him. "Yet you still think about him?" Harry continued to tease, the two boys laughed at the beautiful girl, and soon enough, her chuckles joined the air as she shook her head at them.

NAGINI'S DAUGHTER | 18+Where stories live. Discover now