56 I 𝓑𝓾𝓻𝓷. 𝓘𝓽. 𝓐𝓵𝓵.

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There are voices in the distance, shouts of worry and agony and I almost start to think it's death, welcoming me into his chamber.

I want to open my eyes and greet him. But I cannot. I cannot move. 

My body is being picked up by strong large arms, bridal style. I almost want to push the person away as my body immediately hurts. My bones feel cracked, my skin bitter with burns and my lungs are an ashtray.

With all my might, I focus on my fingers and move them, reminding myself that I am alive.

"Neville.." I let out.

Go save him. Leave my body here.

Save him, not me.

"You better fucking wake up.." I hear a familiar voice, my body suddenly hits the floor harshly. A large groan leaves my lips, there's a commotion in the background as I try hard to open my eyes.  

"Don't touch her!"

"You don't touch her!"

What the fuck?

"The fire isn't stopping!"



My body topples over, emotion controlling my bones. A cry leaves my lips, my forehead pressed against the cold floor as my eyes are tightly closed, as if refusing to wake up. To catch the truth. 

There are groans, apparently a fight as I'm in my state of pain. However, I then loudly yelp, the top of my hoodie is tightly grabbed and I am getting dragged against the floor, face first. 

My eyes slightly open once the person lets me go. There's smoke in my lungs, it feels like lava is pouring down my throat, the need to puke emitting, the need to sleep is stronger. There are students around me, we are in the clear section of a hallway, behind me there is a fire that is eating everything alive. 

I expect them to ask if I'm okay, ask if there are any survivors that I managed to support. But they are just staring at me, horror and fear plastered onto their faces.

The mention of the thought of a survivor hurts my heart. Hurts my bones. It's as if I have been poisoned by more than the venom of fire's tongue but grief.

"Neville.." I let out brokenly, tears in my eyes. I move my hair out of my face only to find that my once long beautiful hair has turned to crisp. Most of it is burned. The strands are now just above my shoulders, and I feel naked. Exposed. 

Hair is the least bit of my worries, however. I'm sure the rest of me looks the same amount of destroyed, face darkened from the black smoke. The whites of my eyes red. Lips cracked. I need water. 

They ignore my cry. Ignore Neville. And just stare at me, all huddled in a circle. I notice my friends to the side, staring at me with sadness, 

With betrayal.

But I don't pay mind to it. It's probably due to my brokenness of state, or the fact that I didn't manage to save our friend. It reminds me we have a chance to help others. "They are probably a lot of students stuck in their rooms or in classrooms." My voice sounds like splinters. "They need our help. Dean help me up please. Nicole you be our siren, shout in every room po-"

"I don't think we will listen to you anymore, Aurora." Nicole says bitterly. 

I am startled into silence and confusion for a while before picking my strength back up. "What? What did I do wrong?" I let out.

Charlotte scoffs, crossing her arms over her chest. "You've done enough."

"Look around you, Aurora.." Dean says.

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