27 I 𝒜𝓊𝓇𝑜𝓇𝒶'𝓈 𝒯𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑜𝓃

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My breath quickens and I screech as I sit up, immedietly regretting it due to receiving a blind sharp pain into my back. A g roan leaves my lips, I lay back down before looking at my surroundings. The hospital wing in Hogwarts.

I raised my hands and examined them, wondering if I had the right to do everything I did. I didn't want to hurt my friends, but it felt like a different person took over me. Everyone knows about the powers that I so wanted to hide, and though I'm surrounded by witches and wizards, I still feel like I don't belong and don't have the right to say I am magical.

Would a magical person do the things that I have done?

My eyes scatter to my side, widening as I realise who is in the bed next to mine.

"Draco-" I sit up in a hurry but yelp in pain, holding my body. I'm very weak, not just because I got impaled but because I used my mark to do my bidding, leaving me strained. My bones hurt, body aching. The headache is getting worse.

All those scared faces staring back at me are haunting my mind. I hide my face into my hands, squeezing my eyes shut.

What have I done?

I really am just a monster.

I lost the title of a leader, I lost the respect of my peers, and it seems I have lost my sanity too. I am still that tiny little girl hiding in the coner of the darkest of rooms, trying to blend into the shadows so my father doesn't find me.

With all my might, I get up, holding anything around me for suport. Loud groans escape me, however, I manage to walk to Draco's bed.

Christmas is coming, I'll go back to feeling my fathers hand on my cheek and protecting my mother. Draco is going back to no mother, and a father that hurts him also. Voldemort is proably going to kill him due to loosing this year's fight against us, or torture him. He's a DeathEater, yet Draco saved me from others when he could, just like I stood up for him for the first time now.

We have always had our duties, and those responsibilities are what we are forever. A title, a reputation. People forget that we are children, we are humans. People forget that we are a life.

"Why does it feel like loving me is the hardest thing anyone has to do?" I asked him, sitting onto his bed.

"We're trapped, Draco." I notice the darkness under Draco's eyes is less prominent now that he's finally getting some rest, and I realise he hasn't let himself have a single moment of rest since we started this war.

I hesitate before grabbing his hand and holding it in both of mine, as if it's the most precious thing in the world to me. "I hate you, and you me." My voice is in a desperate whisper. "So why do I feel this responsibility for you? Why don't I like seeing you hurt?"

"I need you to wake up and answer me, tell me that I'm going crazy, tell me to shut up. Make me angry so I hate you a little more, a little more and we can go back to normal. A little more and I will stop feeling this guilt inside me. " I feel my lips tremble as the icy cold distress fall onto my cheeks. But I let them, I let them seep into my skin and enrage me even more.

"Wake up and hurt me. Wake up, and release me!" I shout now, holding his hand tightly.

He's a DeathEater, yet death eats him instead.

Wouldn't he want this suffering to stop? Like I do?

I stare at my wand, holding his arm, I put it against his skin and uncover the spell he has on it, revealing the scars that he showed me in the past.

I frowned, realising there's a lot more now.

How? How did this happen?

"Who did this to you?" I asked him, quietly.

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