32 I 𝒮𝓃𝑜𝓌.

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We are breathing heavily at the end of it, he sets me to the floor on my feet but I immedietly nearly fall to the floor due to not feeling my legs, they wobbled and felt too weak.

Draco chuckles, grabbing me by the hips and holding me tight. we are covered in sweat, and strangely quite a lot of blood.

"Can you stand?" He whispers.

I close my eyes tightly, trying to regain my calmness before shaking my head.

"Can you walk?" He whispers again.

"No..Not right now" I admit, quietly. I'm not sure why we are trying to be so quiet now. It feels like we have sinned-As if the consequences are coming although we stopped a while ago.

"Good." Draco states darkly.

He pulls me and starts carrying me on his hips again. Our faces are close, foreheads touching. A loud groan leaves me as I feel my back getting stretched due to the movement. 

I try to steady my breath, holding him for any comfort. And to my absolute shock, I get it. Draco holds me close, trailing his fingers softly up and down my arms in a calming manner. It's warm, I feel like I am in a blanket.

My hands hold the back of his head, and a strange smile appears on my face. It's filled with humour, he smiles back.


It's a surprising moment, however it soon gets ruined for we begin to hear the wooden closet crack loudly all around us.

We both share a look of shock before Draco holds my head to his neck and runs out of the closet. The second we manage to slip out, my thighs still strapped around him-The closet falls into absolute shambles, wood scatters against the floor. Destroyed.

There's a moment of silence before Draco begins to laugh loudly.

I hit him in the shoulders, frowning. "It's not funny!" I say, however the smile widening on my face disregards it.

Draco looks up at me, still laughing. His white hair is stuck to his forehead in a sweaty manner. Some of it sticking out in different directions. I've never seen Draco like this, he's usually a very calm menacing creature, dressed to his wealth. His suit represent the superiority to those that opposed to his existence. He always has a scowl on his face, and a cloud of cruelty shadows his vessel.

But right now, he looks different. He looks naked. Vulnerable-He looks like a mess. His hair. His eyes seem genuine, less cold. Lips are pink, cheeks too. Seeing him laughing, showing those pretty straight white teeth so unapologetically, I begin to laugh with him. Our arms hold each other, bodies shaking with humour.

And as I stare at him, at the man that I'm supposed to hate,

I feel something shift inside my chest.

He seems to notice, our laughs get washed into the air. And we seem to be loud with our thoughts in the quiet. He watches my face, the way my eyelashes move, my nose scrunches from pain. I breathe rather harshly.

He watches me as if he was reading from the bible.

I turn back to the shambles, a large green sweater is slightly coming out of the dust. My heart crumbles as I see my upmost priced possession get lost in the atrocity.

"My sweater.." Is all I can say. Draco follows my gaze, and soon pulls out his wand, flicking it. The sweater flies out the depths of wood, staying in the air. He flicks his hand again in a different motion, the sweater's dust falls right of it and it looks new.

Apart from the huge amounts of blood on it from my body.

I notice Draco stare at it intensely. I ignore it, he probably thinks some guy gave me it.

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