24 I 𝒟𝓇𝒶𝒸𝑜'𝓈 𝒹𝒶𝓇𝓀𝓃𝑒𝓈𝓈.

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I walk into the room, classical music booming in my ears as everyone is serious and talking to each other. Draco holds me by the waist, as if afraid I'll run away. I narrow my eyes as I feel their eyes upon me. I'm wearing high heels and a black long dress, matching with Draco. He seems different, unnerved. Nervous, almost.

"Mr Malfoy.." We both come to a stop as some guy approached us, his hair brown and eyes blue. Everyone in the room wears black. I frown as I notice the women made sure their dresses covered their arms and wrists, making me stand out.

"Ah, and who is this?" The boy stares at me, his eyes travelling down my body. I feel Draco's hand tighten against me protectively. "This.." He looks at me. "is Aurora Diavolo."

"Aurora, this is Deanial's brother, Henry." He said. I immedietly feel uncomfortable. Deanial has told me about his family. About how his brother always had the spotlight due to his evil doings of being an DeathEater. Dean wanted nothing to do with his family's disgusting values, so he left.

"Ah-This just your pet, I suppose?" Henry says with a smirk. I glare daggers at him. Pet?

"My girl." Draco stated, voice dark but silky. I look at him from the corner of my eye, weirdly enjoying his possessiveness.

Henry didn't like Draco's response, simply nodding before walking away. "Damn, you have shitty family friends." I breathe out. Draco sighs, guiding me to a table. "They are not my friends." He whispered to himself, but I caught it.

I can't help but wonder how horrible my personality would be if I was around this energy all the time. Even the air in this room is stilled, sharp like a knife. Everyone is too formal, too rich. I wonder if they're all Vampires and I'm their next meal.

They stare at the food on the tables as if it was nothing yet most would kill to have such taste in their mouths. Their clothes are up to the highest standard, and yet they still judge each other. Their eyes are hard, no emotion inside them. It leaves you cold. Empty.

I find myself staring at Draco as he prepares us drinks, a lot of his persona now making sense to me.

"Welcome, Welcome." I hear in a loud speaker. My eyes widen, the one and only Lucius Malfoy speaking in the corner. Everyone is quiet, listeneing intensely.

It's only Draco that looks away, his eyes bored as he passes me a drink.

I almost think he's about to announce we are in the 75th Hunger Games by the way he stares at everyone, holding his drink.

"We are all here gathered to celebrate a very special day. My son's birthday." Lucius raised his hand, pointing into our direction. I stop my mouth from nearly falling off with shock. Everyone claps quietly in return, drinking in celebration.

All noise in the room starts to sound like humming now, like buzzing in the Spring. I search Draco's face but it's emotionless as he listens to his father speak. I can't believe this. This isn't really happening.

It's his fucking birthday, and I didn't know about it.

It's his birthday and I set out a whole plan against him.

By the time my heart calms, and I regain my hearing, Draco's father is right in front of us, done with his speech. Now speaking to the guy that's holding onto me closely. "Yes, of course." Lucius agrees with something Draco has said, but I don't recall what.

"You must be Aurora.." Lucius then calls out to me, I gulp harshly before shaking his hand. "Yes-Yes I am" I fake a smile.

"Draco has told me a lot about you." He said, making his son glare at him.

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