33 I 𝐼𝓉 𝓌𝒶𝓈 𝓂𝑒. 𝐼𝓉 𝓌𝒶𝓈 𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝓂𝑒.

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"Aurora-Wake up!"


"Wake up!" I see Draco through my blurry vision. He seems scattered whilst staring down at me.

"What's happening?"

"You passed out from blood loss. God- I didn't realise it was this bad. How did this happen? We need to get you help" Draco was trying to stop the blood, but all I do is chuckle. "You're silly."

"Come on, keep your eyes on me." Draco's hand meets my cheek, cupping it and making me look at him. I smile a little, feeling absolutely light and filled with bubbles.

"If I die, you win the whole thing, right?"

"Yes." Draco rushes out, tightening a knot on my exposed chest, covering my back harshly. He zips my sweater back up-He seems breathless.

"Why do you care?" I ask quietly. "Don't you want that?"

"Do you want that?" Draco glares at me. "What about your friends?

I stare at him.

My friends.

A heavy breath leaves me and I almost scream as I get up. Draco is trying to stop me but I push him away. I walk, limping in pain in the process. I need to get to my family.

I look for my loved ones, and smile widely as I see them near a big tree, they are huddled together, some shouting, others crying and it begins to hurt my heart. I let go of Draco, he watches me as I trip many times due to the pain. But I get back up again and limp my way to them.

I see Charlotte sitting on a log, a blanket around her as she stared into the distance while others seem to be distracted by arguing. Her face looks puffy, eyes and nose red from sobbing. However, her eyes finally catch mine. Shock fills her, and she stands up as if she doesn't believe her eyes.

"...Guys?" I see her choke out, they all ignore her. The blanket falls off her body, her lips trembling.

I begin to run. I run faster than ever before. The blood is dripping everywhere and I feel like I am going to pass out any minute but I have to do this. I need to get to her. I need to get to them. I need them. "Guys!" She now shouts, tears falling down her face, she smiles at me.

"What?!" They all turn to her in frustration but then catch her expression. She begins to run to me, and their gaze follows. I laugh in happiness once her body collides with mine with a loud thud, we almost topple over. I hold her tightly as she cries in my arms.

"It's okay!" I assure, smiling against her hair, caressing it with care.

"It's okay.." I repeat. Her sobs become louder.

The others look pale, their faces also mirror the same amount of sadness as Charlotte's did. They all stand there, their feet planted onto the floor as if frozen. Hermione gets out of the trance first, running to us and hugs us both. "AURORA!"

The rest of my team begins to do the same, some sooner than others. Soon, they are all crying on the floor, and we hug each other tightly. Harry kisses my forehead, and I laugh as the twins begin to sniff loudly from all the sobbing.

"How could you just leave us?" Dean shouts.

"Do you know how worried we've been?" Ron added.

"I missed you so much!" George wrapped his arms around the entirety of my face and jumped on me, making me fall to the ground. "I missed her more, idiot!" Fred pushes him off before replacing him, hugging me even tighter as I laugh loudly.

NAGINI'S DAUGHTER | 18+Where stories live. Discover now