61| 𝓑𝓪𝓬𝓴 𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓯𝓾𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓮.

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"I guess you didn't win just yet.."

Seeing his brother reveal his identity, the other one the side did the same.

Zane and Mattheo.

The leader in the middle still stayed hidden, the students in front of the school all backed away in fear except the Golden trio. Dean and Blaise glared as Charlotte and Nicole hid the younger students behind them. Voldemort's son visited them. They were there, trying to take back control and power.

"The infamous last unknown Riddle" Draco sneered, smirking at the leader in the middle, the two aside took their wands out once more, ready to defend their brother.

No one noticed, but the sky became dark and the stars started to shine more as the night settled. However, this time it was different. The galaxy was clearer, more beautiful than ever since months of it being dull and cloudy.

"Reveal yourself." Draco ordered.

There was silence, Zane slowly smirked and played with his wand as Mattheo looked amused, cocking his head to the side.

"Oh?..." The middle brother said.

"Tsk, Such naked villany.." He muttered, you could basically hear the smirk in his voice before he turned, all of them did, ready to leave.

It rounded into a tie between the enemies. However, Draco was having none of it and walked to the leader as he tried to walk away, grabbing his arm strongly, ready to fight once more.

The second their skin graced upon each other the leader turned around and used his powers abruptly, not expecting to be touched. Draco's eyes clouded as his mind became accidentally controlled, memories flashing quickly in hurry.


"This is my school and I won't let a filthy slut ruin my fun. You better watch your back" He spat, his eyes dared her to talk back.

She tries hard to just walk away but her body doesn't let her, she narrowed her eyes at him and walked towards him so their bodies were close, all students around them still staring.

"You better fucking watch yours" She replies, they both death glare each other and she feels the tension heighten, it was then and there that the girl and the boy decided that now, it's war.


Her heart skips a beat as she hears his name. She gulps and then looks at him across the room, noticing that he's already staring at her.

"You're dead" She mouths to him and he merely chuckles at her.

He nods slowly making her frown slightly before he says his reply.

"And you're going down with me"


"I'll fucking destroy you, mentally and physically. I'll fuck you up so hard you will fall to my feet and beg for mercy for even trying to underestimate me"

"Not before I do it first" She replies and they both breathe heavily while devouring every look they give each other.


"Just don't hold it as hard" She mutters and he silently looks away, after a while she sees him have mixed thoughts as he has trouble within.

He sighs, annoyed and then takes her hand, locking their fingers as if that was a new way to make sure she doesn't escape, he ignores her look and continues walking down the hallway.


"Just because you're broken doesn't mean you have to break me too, Draco" She shouts, she knew he could hear her, but she got no reaction and he doesn't turn back, still walking.

NAGINI'S DAUGHTER | 18+Where stories live. Discover now