15 | 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒯𝒽𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓉

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"Is somebody trembling?"

Pansy pushes my side into the table, making me bruise my waist. I growl under my breath, taking my wand out. "You fucking bitch" I swear at her as everyone gathers around to watch our fight.

We went to eat at our table until Pansy joined and decided to flirt with Blaise. I ignored it at first until she touched him and didn't stop when he got uncomfortable. She was clearly drunk out of her mind and I'm surprised none of the teachers realised or noticed it.

However, when I told her to stop, she started to make fun of me getting adopted along with Harry's dead parents, which we of course didn't take very lightly.

Harry grabbed my wand from me and I shout for him to give it back but he just shook his head at me. "You're already in so much trouble with the teachers and the school" He whispers, trying to be direct. "Let's not make it worse"

It takes all my strength to breathe out my anger and then finally nod, agreeing with him. I turn around and start walking away from the great hall, ready to go and start my next class.

"Oh look, the adopted freak is scared" Pansy laughs behind me and my hands turn into fists by my sides as I continue to walk away from her.

Ignore. Ignore.

"Where are you going? Are you going to go and cry to your fake parents? " She continues.

Ignore. Ignore. Ignore.

Harry walks beside me and tells me to ignore her while I look ahead, a serious expression sets onto my face.

"Tell me, Aurora. Do you know why your real parents left? Was it because they were they so disgusted by your existence they would rather leave you to rott than take care of you?"

"Or did they hate themselves so much for making you that they decided to end it all out of shame?"

I stop in my tracks, having heard enough.

Harry stares at me pleadingly but now it's him I ignore, swiftly turning back around and walking towards back her. "Now let's get this clear" I sneer at her, going so close to her we share the same air once I reach her again.

"You have no fucking right to comment on my life when yours revolves around being on your knees for a guy that clearly doesn't give a single fuck about you" I say, everyone in the hall grows quiet as they now listen in from every table.

Her expression changes. "That's not true" Pansy shakes her head and I smirk at her. "Come on Pansy. Don't tell me that you're that desperate for validation that you're going to lie to yourself. You know that he fucks a new girl everyday"

I stare into her eyes and stand close in front of her, saying every word to her slowly so she understands me. "You're. just. one. of. his. sluts"

Her eyes slightly fill with tears as she stares back. "I'm going to fucking destroy you" Pansy says through gritted teeth, clearly I struck a nerve.

"Yeah, your little boyfriend is trying to do that too. I guess being pathetic, power hungry people connects you both on a deeper level" I smile at her. "How about you stop running your mouth about my parents and stop wasting my time now?"

"Oh..And take care of him for me, will you?" I taunt, puckering my lips and sending her a kiss as hers were so close to mine, chuckling under my breath when I see her expression before turning and leaving.

I grab my wand from Harry as I walk away, he catches up to me as everyone starts speaking about the fight in the great hall, Pansy still standing there upset.

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