8 | ℳ𝒶𝓀𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒶 𝓅𝓁𝒶𝓃

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" You're just worthless "


"Are you too scared?" I growl at him, he looks down on me, his look calculated and amused. "You want me to hurt you?" He asks and i laugh humourlessly "Don't you want to fucking hurt me? Come on then Draco, fucking hurt me!"

I feel everyone's eyes on me, Draco looks deadly as he now stomps closer, daring me to disrespect him in front of everyone and i see that as his eyes give me a hint he wishes i was dead.

"And what about you? Huh? Fucking slap me then, punch me, be the monster that everyone fucking calls you" He states and grabs my hand, his touch burning me and i protest but then he places it on his cheek, indicating me to slap him.

His skin so soft yet his words so rough, I'm unable to remove my hand, he's still talking as i stare at him now. If only he wasn't such an asshole i would maybe consider him attractive in this light, and I 'm sure he feels the same way about me.

He notices my change and smirks, putting his hand on top of mine as i basically cup his face, his touch warm and gentle while his hand is so much bigger than mine.

"What's wrong Aurora? Do you like touching me like this? So gentle isn't it?" He whispers, his accent in the clear and i can't move or speak, my mark giving me mixed signals to my head.

"Am i going to turn crazy now?" He asks, making my eyes wide and go back to my senses. Of course he needs to keep me in check.

"You're wasting my fucking time" He says and i hear my friend's run towards the crowd, calling my name. Draco ignores them, focusing on me and i do the same. "I'm not a monster..why do you feel the need to be so horrible? I have done nothing to you but accidentally joined a fight on the first day" i mutter, staring at him.

There's a long pause, his cold eyes go soft when he sees that my strong wall is slowly breaking down. "No, you're right, you aren't a monster" He says, coming closer and my mind goes crazy as he looks at me and caresses my hair in a caring motion, probably knowing he stepped over a line.

He then comes closer to my face, and my breath hitches in my throat, his head turning to the side like a puppy, leaning in when everyone starts freaking out because our lips are so close to each other. "Here's my apology.."

He closes his eyes and starts leaning in, and i can't help but close my eyes too, hating myself and screaming in my mind, yet, I'm frozen in place.

Our lips are about to meet but he suddenly opens them, smirking slyly. "As i said, you aren't a monster, you're just a mistake" i open my eyes and look at him shocked, hating him for tricking me. My mark burns and i try and not break down. How could a person possibly have the guts to say that?

"You are and you always will be, who do you think you're fooling?" He asks and pulls my wrist making my hand leave him, holding it tightly in front of his face while it's weak in the air. "You can act as if you're strong and happy but behind all that facade you're just a pathetic little weakling" He continues.

"Maybe that's why your real parents fucking left you, you weren't wanted then and you sure aren't fucking wanted now, Vaperia" He whispers, the crowd starts immediately muttering.

His words twisting every memory of my past, voice filled with venom as he smirks down at me, knowing he has the upper hand,

My eyes fill with tears as I repeat what he has just said in my head over and over, he knew about my parents, but he could only get that information from a certain someone from my friend group as that's the only one who i have told .

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