9 | 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒫𝒶𝓇𝓉𝓎

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"I'm not scared of a mouse"

I was reading on the bottom of some stairs, trying to get out of my head. That head of mine, so many twisted thoughts run over me on a daily basis. Such thoughts that should never be spoken aloud, yet i feel as though they aren't mine to admit for, i feel as though it's not my thoughts that drive me mad, but someone else's.

As though someone was laying on an island within my heart, waiting to get rescued from the darkness lurking around them as the waves crash, moving closer to the land the person is trying to so keep safe. And i want to believe that, that it is not me. I just do not know how to stop. I want to, so badly, feeling myself go darker each day when i walk through the halls of Hogwarts, yearning to get at least a snipet of clear mind, a rescue boat.

My mind travels to the troubles of my life. A boy, Draco Malfoy. I wonder, if he feels the same way sometimes. Trying to steal a glance of the thing we desire the most. Yet, what would someone like him possibly need more? A spoiled rich brat, having every chance and choice in the world.

After me and my group have discussed the matters and the situation we are in, we made more plans, watch our backs, be less with each other so people don't target us as a group, all the while trying to get Draco down with us if the cases occur. We know Mattheo is evil, a dark twisted mind, I'm sure his ideologies aren't the same as mine. No, his were far more worse, however, his are actually his. Where as I, I feel as though someone is trying to think for me.

I couldn't stop thinking about it, though. Draco. How can such a prince be so broken? So horrid? How far can his ego mannered and selfish self go? And if one day, it is too far. Will i be able to stop him? Everyone in the school only calls for me when he troubles the students, no one else will ever stand up to him. But why? Why is there so much fear?

"Let me go, I'm sorry!" A loud voice calls out from the end of the corridors, i get up from my sitting spot, finding Malfoy pressing up against a boy on the wall, his collar roughly held. "Now listen to me you little shit" Draco curses. "Try and say that bullshit again and i swear you'll regret it, you pathetic mudblood"

"Malfoy!" I shout, grabbing their attention. I walk over and push him away, shielding the boy. "Leave him alone or else" I warn and he glares at me.

"I'm not in the mood for you, go before you'll get hurt too" He replies, his body shaking with anger.

He intimidates me to say at least, tall blonde haired adonis. I wonder if it was the angels that painted his features so elegantly, if they were the ones forming him into what he is. Though i know his heart must've been touched by the opposite creatures, so cold, so real. Holding hot boiling lava and having no one to share it with because of the power it holds, getting burned all by himself.

But those are mere guesses i come up with, perhaps to try and excuse the actions he makes. Because i wouldn't know, i will never actually know anything that goes through his head if it's not hatred towards me, his mind's doors are locked away.

"Vaperia.." He mutters, his eyes telling me not make it harder for myself.

"Why don't you just leave people fucking alone?" He gulps down his anger hearing my reply, and i see him trying to control himself, hands trembling as they turn into fists beside his sides.

"I suggest you leave before i do something that i assure you, i will not regret"

"Then do it" I reply, grabbing my wand from my pocket, ready to strike if needed.

"Aurora" I hear someone say my name before we start a fight. Blaise comes out from the shadows and i scoff.

"Oh great another-" "-The guy behind you is Andrew Lewis. He said some racists things about me. Draco was just trying to defend me"

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