64 I 𝑰'𝒍𝒍 𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒄𝒉 𝒚𝒐𝒖

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I'm walking through the dungeons of Hogwarts, the Slytherin quarters that looks more like prison than a home.

I walk because I heard my father is held here. I have searched and searched for hours, and yet-No one. 


"Aurora?" I hear as I pass one of the cells, making me stop in my tracks. 

I slowly walk back and then into the cell, the bars of steel alone would make me go mad in this cage.

"Aurora..Is that you?" I hear from the darkest corner. I stand there in shock once I see the eyes of the person that calls out my name.

"A-Am I hallucinating again?" He asks in a hoarse voice, touching my leg to check if I'm real.

"Noah.." I can't help but whisper his name, not believing he's right in front of me. He looks horrible, sat on the floor and leaning on the cold dirty wall. Noah holds my leg, as if to make sure I don't run away. "You can't be real..can you?" He croaks out.

I nod slightly, gulping down a lump in my throat. "I'm real." 

"Please..." His eyes are filled with tears, lips quivering. "Please prove it and hug me..I'd get up and do it myself but.." My eyes fall to where he's looking at-His legs are pale, exposed, and absolutely unmoving. That's right, his legs aren't the same as they used to be. 

They hold no strength. I stare at them, at the bruises on his skin. 

Slowly leaning down, my knees fall to the floor. I am silent as he sobs and raises his hands towards me, earger to hold me. I remember the last time I saw such a thing was with my mother, her arms so close yet so far. His hands are shaking and the second his skin meets mine, Noah sobs harder-Pulling me to his chest with power even though his state would suggest otherwise. 

I stare at the brick dirty wall behind him, my hands barely touching his back to hold him-I'm trying to keep it together, remind myself of who I am now. And I am not a mother, he is not my responsibility. He is not my best friend. 

He sentenced me to death. 

He watched. 

My shirt is getting drenched with tears, and I feel my eyes fill up with tears that I so want to burn. "I thought I lost you, Aurora. I lost you! Why did you jump off that tower? Why did you leave me all alone in this world?" 

My heart swells, and I immediately let go and glare. He makes me feel something I just can't afford right now, and that is weakness. I am not their hero anymore. 

"Why did you push me off?" I retort with disgust. Noah looks surprised, overcome with sadness. My power gets abrupt as it spills and makes him pinned to the wall behind him. He grunts out, and just in time-Charlotte runs into the cell. "STOP! AURORA!"

I turn to her, my power eager to hurt her instead. She screams as her body gets thrashed to the bars, being picked and pinned. "She did this to herself.." I quote her from when I jumped off the tower. "It wasn't us."

 "It's alright.." She utters out in pain. "I know we hurt you.."

"You don't know anything.." I glared at her.

"I know that you're powerful..And I'm pretty sure you don't know shit about your powers because either no one knows anything or they won't tell you" She says, I narrow my eyes and feel my rage increase, making her scream more as her head leans up. 

"Aurora! Stop it!" Hermione shouted in a hurry as they all stood around me, not knowing what to do. The whole group has found me as I tried to find the last piece of the puzzle. "Ah, how nice. We are all together again." My eyes narrow as they follow everyone in order, "Besides Luna."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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