31 I 𝒞𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝐼𝓃𝓈𝒾𝒹𝑒.

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Immediate bolts of electricity go through my body, my legs hoisting around his hips as he goes deeply in between my legs

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Immediate bolts of electricity go through my body, my legs hoisting around his hips as he goes deeply in between my legs. He kisses me so passionately, with so much emotion I forget who I am for a moment.

Draco bites onto my bottom lip, surely leaving bruises. I let out a sound , making him hum in satisfaction, turning his head and deepening the kiss. His hands still tight against my neck and I close my eyes, deep inside his spell.

What were we talking about? Why am I here?

This is wrong. So wrong. He should be cutting into me, not kissing me.

"Merlin, this is all I thought about when I was getting tortured." He mutters against my lips, his one hand grabs both of mine before pinning them harshly above me. Another sound leaves me, Draco hums into pleasure before his lips meet mine again, this time in so much more hunger. "All I wanted to do was do this..pin you against the wall, punish you for doing the thing you did."

"But I must say, I was impressed, my girl has finally used her teeth after taking years sharpening them for my skin." He whispers against my lips before pinning me deeper into the walls.

I call out his name in between the contact but he barely gives me any chance. It's like he's waited years for this, to touch me, to kiss me. It's as if he was in chains for an eternity and I was dangled in front of him as a prize. And now he finally can sink his teeth into me. 

"So soft.." Draco groans into my mouth.

My thighs suddenly quiver, my lower region crying out. I tell myself that this is just a side effects from blood loss, the delusion of desire. But I think both me and him know that isn't true.

"Draco-Stop-" I whined against him, but just then I realised I've started to kiss back a long ago. Our lips go in sync, I feel the electrifying lighting between us. My body is hot though my shirt has been cut and my bra is on show, only covered by the sweater that's barely hanging on me right now whilst the damp skirt I'm wearing is raised due to his body.

"You want me to stop? I thought I had your permission.." Draco whispered darkly, breathless. His lips kiss my chin, my jaw, and then my neck. I breathe out harshly into the air as my legs get tighter around him, my hands bound above me. His lips are driving me absolutely crazy. "But you're welcome to start begging now." He then mutters against my skin, hot breath making me shiver all over.

"I'll never fucking beg." I reply in anger. His hand leaves my throat, trailing down to my chest. His fingers are delicate, almost too delicate. "Really?.." Draco asks, breathless.

"Draco." I repeat in warning. The look in his eyes scares me just as much as it excites me.

"Tell me, my Vaperia." Draco was almost lost in thought, staring down my body like a predator. "Have you wanted my hands on you for a long time now? Do you think about them at night?"

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