22 I 𝐵𝓊𝓁𝓁𝒾𝑒𝒹

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I'd listen to this song in the background if I were you.

"You are so much darker than you give yourself credit for.."

I take a heavy breath before my head gets forced into the toilet bowl, grabbing it with all my might and panicking when I don't adjust to holding my breath. I'm forced to drown as the hands are wrapped around my hair in the girl's toilets.

Once I'm pulled out I breathe out horribly, coughing the water I accidentally nearly swallowed. "This is what you get for lying to us about you being Draco's girlfriend" Pansy whispers into my ear before I scream as she puts my face into the toilet again, forcing me to start to drown.

It takes a while for me to get used to being all wet, my front hair drenched as it sticks to my face. "You're fucking pathetic if you think you have a chance" I say to her before she puts me back.

It felt like hours until she finally got fed up and threw me into the side of the stall, I lay against it trying to catch my breath. "Listen to me you pathetic bitch" She sneered after grabbing my face and facing it up so I stare at her. "You only exist for my amusement, do you hear me? You're nothing but fucking trash"

She takes my hair again and I yelp in pain as she rugs it, pulling it and shouting in my face. "You don't deserve anything! You. Are. Worthless" She pushes my head away, making me hold onto it as I lay there in pain. She laughed loudly with her minions, quickly coming out of the stall to leave.

"Just kill yourself already, fucking weakling" One said, and I gulp harshly, shaking with anger and sadness as I stare into the floor, not even trying to get up. I recognise the voice, Astoria Greengrass.

My anger boils in my blood, and I slowly get up, wanting to fight back. My footsteps are heard from the stall and I see Pansy quickly bring out her wand, pointing it at me.


I immediately fall to the floor with a groan, feeling cuts fill my body and my already wet body getting more drenched, but now with my own blood. I recognise the spell immediately, wondering how she got it from.


They quickly leave in panic, knowing they took it too far but were still comedic about it, I crawl back into the stall, my blood leaving a trail as I try and hide myself. "It's okay.. " I whisper, tears slightly falling onto my cheeks. I was used to the abusement more day by day, as long as it wasn't any of my friends I didn't stop them, not anymore.

I suddenly hear loud footsteps, hard boots slowly going against the floor, walking towards my direction.

The bathroom stall opens and I still lay there, not caring who it is. The steps stop as the person stands before me, seeing me on the floor in the stall being completely wet and covered in cuts, my blood everywhere.

"Satan?" I mutter weakly, trying to move my head up so I can see who it is.

"Kind of" The person replies and I feel their stares burn my body.

"About time you take me" I whisper to him, guessing it's a male due to the voice.

My body is stiff and tired, exhaustion falls to my brain, knowing there's someone there and I don't need to stay awake, my mind goes unconscious even though my mark is screaming in panic from the presence.

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𓆗 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧.

I wake up with a gasp, frowning when I realise I'm in a large room, laid on the comfortable couch with a blanket put on me. The fireplace was soundly lit, a familiar scent catching my notice.

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