13 | ℋ𝑒𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉𝓈.

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"You make me crazy, you know that?"

"Hey asshole, let me out of these chains so I can go there and wipe that smile off your face!" I shout, tugging at the handcuffs that are hurting my wrists as I'm facing a random pole, my whole body swirled around it.

"I'm not fucking smiling" The boy mutters clearly annoyed, I've been threatening him and ranting on ever since I woke up.

I recognized the place as the astronomy tower, it was early in the afternoon by the way the sun was up, up until the boy covered my eyes with a stupid blindfold.

I turn my head around the room to try and hear footsteps. "I swear when I get out of these you're dead" I shout, struggling against the pole even more.

"Do you want to experience the same thing that I did to your little boyfriend? He sneers from the corner.

"I'm not afraid of you" I growl through gritted teeth, clearly annoyed at the fact he called him my boyfriend.

I was really afraid of him.

"You hurt him, why? And why the fuck am I here?" I mutter, hearing an amused chuckle in response, shaking my core. "This isn't the first time we've met, little fire"

"Yes, I know, you're the guy that talked to me in the common rooms"

The air was cold yet refreshing, my head now resting against the pole as i pout, missing all my friends. I found him. I found the stalker. And it's the guy that made me feel butterflies every time he spoke to me, the guy that made me have hope again, a vision that i daydreamed about and fell asleep to. He's the person I've been fearing at the same time.

"Not just then Aurora. I was there at the first day of your school when you were injured, I took you in" I hear him mutter darkly, my heart skips a beat as i realise what he said. He's the one who saved me that day when Draco pushed me down the stairs.

"Unicorn?" I choke out, somehow a smile forms onto my face. I hear him chuckle. "Yes, him" He replies, a smile ringing in his voice as he speaks to me.

"Why did you take me in again, unicorn?" I go along, gulping and afraid of the answer. "I just wanted to talk to you again..I missed you"

I scoff loudly "So you kidnap me?"

"I wasn't planning to, It just happened when i saw Malfoy. He deserved the pain i caused him" He suddenly sounds angry. In this situation i would gladly fight and argue, but the boy seems like he doesn't want to harm me. "Can you please just get me out of these handcuffs? I'll be on my best behavior" I promise with plead, wanting nothing more than to get on my feet.

There's a sigh, echoing in the magnificent tower before footsteps go towards me. I feel fingers touch my skin and I immediately flinch, making him hum in satisfaction. He takes the handcuffs off of me and I quickly back away from the pole, rubbing my wrists.

"So cute" I hear him say, I lay my hands on the blindfold, about to take it off before be snatches them off. "I'd rather you not see me" He explains and I frown. "Why?"

"I don't want you afraid" He whispers, slowly. I bite my lower lip, wondering why but don't question it, nodding at him.

I get up and groan in pain, feeling the impact of last night. "Can I at least have a name?"

"Zane Ameri"

His name sounds like music to my ears as I hear his dark voice. "Zane.." The name rolls off my tongue and I can't help but feel the butterflies again. I suddenly feel his warmth very close as he comes closer in front of me, clearly looking down on me. His breath tickles my face as I face up.

NAGINI'S DAUGHTER | 18+Where stories live. Discover now