41 I 𝑹𝒆𝒋𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑹𝒂𝒊𝒏

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My heart has stopped, my jaw is on the floor and I can't think, feel or breathe normally.

"No.." I let out. No no no. This can't be happening. This can't be true.

"Don't say that.." I shake my head in desperation. "You know you can't say things like that-You can't. It is fo-" "It is forbidden, I know! But I simply do not care anymore. I have to have you, I need you to be mine-You are mine." He grabs my hands, I quickly push them away.

"I am not." I glared. "I am not yours!-"-"-Of course you are!" Draco shouts, coming closer. I back into the bookshelf. "You gave me your life when I won in it at battle."

"That was years ago." I snarl. "And I won my life back when I defeated you on that roof top-Whilst you were on that floor getting tortured, I won it back!"

"And you gave it back to me in the Express." Draco mutters, glaring. He looks full of raw emotion, and I am afraid of it. I am afraid of the nakedness of conversation-We are talking about it. The unspoken things that have been going on, it's time. The bomb has exploded. It was filled with me coming here every few days and him talking to me at night and us having a wonderful time. This was always bound to happen, but I did not want it to happen just yet.

Because now everything is ruined.

Draco backs away. He looks deep in thought, staring at the thousands of books around him.

"You laid there on that snowy field, drenching the white with the red of your blood. I thought you were dead, everyone did. A-And it felt..." Draco closes eyes tightly, as if the feeling came back to haunt him. He gulps hard, adams apple bobbing up and down. "It felt like I have lost my purpose."

He turns, my body is stiff as I listen to him. "I thought this whole time..I was doing it to regain my honour. To prove to my father, my mother, and the Dark Lord that I am more than the Chosen One. That I am more than what I was made to be, I'd be even darker, more sinister than those behind me. I will not stop for anyone or anything, destroy everything in my path to prove to myself..that I am more than the name Malfoy."

This is the first time I've seen Draco act like this, and it's making me feel like a stranger in my own body.

"But then.." He chuckles to himself darkly. "But then, I lost you. I really lost you. We have tried to kill each other countless of times but this time-It felt different. It felt intimate..loosing you. Something shifted inside me, and nothing made sense anymore. It didn't make sense to me-I was supposed to relish in your doom.."

Draco walks slowly towards me, predator against prey. I backed away, my heart beating way too fast. "It was then that I realised I have been lying to myself. I have deep hatred towards you, Vaperia. And that hatred has been my purpose all along, your beautiful threats of ecstasy that leave your lips..The way you glare at me..It has been the fire to my living hell. And I cannot be without it."

"Draco-" My back hits the bookshelf as I stare up at him. "You feel it too.." His body presses against mine, his eyes holding an unexplainable emotion-Chest heaving heavily. "I know you do..You hate me, but you also cannot stand to have it any other way-You want to relish in it. Bathe in it. I know you want to taste me just as much as I'd like to taste you. I know you want my hands on you.." Draco's fingers trail over my thighs in a slow manner making me quietly gasp.

"You can't-We can't-" I breathe out harshly-His fingers come to my lips-softly tracing against them and I stop talking. "Shh.." He stares down at them. "I know you want to say what happened in the Express was a mistake. A duty to sacrifice yourself for your friends." His lips turned into a small smirk. "But we both know that's not true."

"It's not-" His fingers then meet my chin, making me look up at him. Draco's hot breath fans my face, and then his lips start trailing against my cheek, placing small pecks onto my skin.

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