23 I 𝒜𝓊𝓇𝑜𝓇𝒶'𝓈 𝓅𝓁𝒶𝓃.

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Pansy and her gals keep finding me to torture me even more due to the group not talking to me. Well, some of them do. But most just stare at me in disappointment. I don't know what's happening. It's like I'm getting weaker and weaker, I don't feel the same as I did when I arrived at Hogwarts. I feel tired, mentally and physically. Sometimes I don't even go to class, I just excuse myself later on and say that I was sick. In reality, I lay in bed and stare at the ceiling, unable to move.

My father is now settled into working at Hogwarts, the new HeadMaster. Dumbledore hid away for some reason, some call him a coward, and others say he is a hero and knows something is coming and that he's getting ready. I choose the ladder.

Draco hasn't been out of his room in days either. Ever since what happened on his desk, in that room after he saved me. It wasn't like us. It was against our moral compass. It seems as though he's deep in thought half the time I see him in class. He has been ignoring my existence ever since. Every time our eyes met we quickly turned the other way.

I don't know what we would've done if we kissed that day. I should be thanking Blaise, yet, in a small little way, I'm dissapointed. And I hate myself for it.

Zane helped me back into Hogwarts that doomed day, he stayed with me for a while before he had to run away again, the new Head Master now closely watching the Riddles and their whereabouts, making sure they're not getting even close to our school.

I stand by the mirror, staring at my body and the way it's shaped.

I ask myself if this is truly my only power. My body. The people around me seem to remind me of the way it moves, the way it speaks and changes. I always frown in confusion, forgetting that my body even exists and I am not just a soul that is flowing around.

"You're so hot in that skirt, I'd kill to have your thighs" Nicole says as she admires me from the bed. I chuckled, laughing at myself because my point was proven seconds after my overthinking.

"Yeah.." I muttered before checking my eyeshadow in the mirror. A moment occurs where I catch my eyes, and get a dark feeling. It seems as though I almost don't recognize myself.

I don't feel as happy as I usually do, or more like don't have the energy to pretend to. My smile now only comes on forcefully for a few seconds before it completely disappears away and I mentally sigh at myself realizing I will have to find that energy soon or else.

"You okay?" Charlotte says, staring up from her book from the chair in my room. I turned around. "Well..-" "-She just must be tired from all the fucking she has been doing with Malfoy" Nicole laughed before I could continue, making Charlotte join her.

I shook my head, gathering my stuff for my next lesson. "Actually, we haven't had sex. Never have, never will.."

Gasps come from both of them. "What?" Nicole laughed. "I would've thought you'd be pregnant right now. That's.." She frowned, both of them getting up and following me out of the room. "Not like Draco. He is the type of sort to have sex the second he could."

Charlotte smirked, walking through the hallways. "Yeah I don't think so, he seems too organised and careful. Almost clean. Maybe he's just waiting for a special night-" "-Or for his patience to run dry due to Aurora's brat behaviour. Oh god, I can already imagine it- Him making her call him daddy as he spanks her with his wand" They both laugh.

"You guys do know, I'm right here, right?" I said with annoyance.

We enter Snape's class without another word, the second I sit down in my assigned seat I put my head down onto the desk and stare into space from my side. Snape seems to notice while walking through the classroom, yet, he does nothing and lets me be for some reason.

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