12 | 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒟𝒾𝒶𝓇𝓎'𝓈 𝒞𝑜𝓃𝓈𝑒𝓆𝓊𝑒𝓃𝒸𝑒𝓈.

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"Go before I kill you, Malfoy"

As I step in closer, my mind doesn't register for a while before i realise I'm in my common room. Everyone partying as they gather and either play games or drink. My smile widens and i skip to the corner of the room when i notice a familiar face.

I greet George, his form somehow more taller and i feel my body getting more warmer by the minute, mouth dry and eyes lazy, finding everything in the world funny. George smirks down at me once he notices me. Hugging me tightly and spreading his hands over my waist. "Hello gorgeous"

We both walk to a couch in the far back where no one sees the view along with a small table, then sitting finally down. I stare at him with big eyes, his smirk making me feel weird butterflies. "It has been said that Gingers have no soul" I blurt out.

I expect him to get angry but instead he chuckles darkly, holding his drink. "Maybe they are right, we just steal them from other people instead.." I feel the tension grow as we stare each other down, music playing in the background and people being obnoxiously loud.

George smirks, putting his hand on my waist as he begins to lean down, staring at my lips while i stare at his. "You look so pretty right now.." I hear him say.

My mind is barely functioning and i smile a little, not even realising what's happening. "Yeah you look pretty too" I chuckle, George keeps leaning towards me and he's inches away from my face now.

Out of the corner of my eyes, i regret looking as i see Pansy straddled around Draco's lap, making out as he grabs her ass tightly from another couch.

Looking back at George, his eyes slightly closes as he cups my face, making me frown. "George?.." I mutter, his smirk widens before he leans so close our lips were nearly touching, pulling me towards him and making me straddle his own lap on the couch.

"You have no idea how many boys would kill to be in this position with you right now.."

"And what are you going to do about it?" I whisper before he slams and connects his lips onto mine.

I gasp against him as he slowly comes forward, holding onto my waist tighter and i don't even control my body as i wrap my hands around his neck, kissing him hungrily back. I moan into his mouth as he teases me with his fingers, trailing them slowly up my inner thighs.

"Wait maybe we shouldn't-" He hushes me every time i want to speak, not listening to any word i say as i now place my hands onto his chest, wanting to make him slighly back away due to my body being absolutely on fire.

George puts his hand in between my thighs, trailing his fingers upwards inside my skirt, so close to my core. My mind laughs at it as he slides his tongue acrosss my buttom lip, squeezing my thighs to gain access to my mouth as i gasp, he fights for dominance with my tongue and comes even closer.

I feel his fingers purposely tease my core over my panties, making my body tense up, feeling every emotion and fiber of my being increase due to the pill. I hold onto his clothes, his movements making me weak.

Soft noices escape me when he finally touches me, he speeds up his actions, rubbing his fingers onto my clit and holding the back of my head so i don't escape as he kisses me deeply, his fingers hitting the right spot as his hand is hidden inside my skirt.

My mind is hazy and body numb yet i feel every spark he makes my body feel, my eyes roll back, feeling as if the inside of my body was on fire. But before I could feel more pleasure, i feel him stop.

I'm confused and whimper in my mind, wanting to feel more of it. Once my eyes flutter open i see George grabbed by someone, Cedric. Pulling me off of him and taking him away. They argue while i get up and sway my body drunkenly, coming closer.

NAGINI'S DAUGHTER | 18+Where stories live. Discover now