6 | 𝒯𝓌𝑜 𝑜𝓊𝓉 𝑜𝒻 𝓉𝒽𝓇𝑒𝑒

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One of you guys said you picture Draco as Tate Langdon from American Horror Story (AKA Evan Peters) and now I can't stop picturing it..Damn.

Anyway, enjoy ;) The old readers know I changed this chapter..a lot.



Draco's eyes widen in surprise at my actions. I cock my head to the side, daring him to continue.

We both know this is something we shouldn't be doing, it's too intimate. It's too close, too good.

He's been teasing me for way too long, praying upon my desires and weaknesses. But now that I gained confidence, his facade crumbles.

I nearly think he's about to give up before coming closer, so close he's nearly kissing me.

"Rub yourself for me, Vaperia."

I stare intensely into his eyes, my fingers slowly beginning to listen to him.

I'm going to regret this.

My lips part a little. My face full of embarrassment as he begins to smirk, gaining all the power again. He's relishing this. Relishing seeing me under him.

His lips meet my collarbone, and I almost gasp when he slightly bites onto it, then kissing it softly after as if to apologise.

My heart begins to speed up as I wish for his hands to run against me, shape me into a mould that fits for him.

"You're so pretty.." He whispers so quietly I almost don't hear him.

My mind conflicted about the compliment, that's not usually what I hear in these moments. It's usually oh, you're so hot.

His lips now kiss all over my neck, slowly, passionately. Is this really Draco? The boy who's touch is usually so rough, so full of hatred.

"Dra.co.." I call out to him, my feelings feel too good. This isn't good. As he hears his name leave my lips, he lets out a groan. Draco cups my jaw, coming even more closer, and now sucks onto my neck so deeply my eyes flutter close.

His other hand trails from my collarbone, down to my chest, his fingertips barely shifting against me ever so slightly, creating small circles against my nipple which drives me absolutely crazy.

This is what he wants, I tried to go against him and now he wants to put me through hell. I let out a noise that I tried to hide, making him kiss up my neck, into the crook, and close to my ear before biting onto it softly.

"God, Vaperia.." He breathes out. "Your whimpers" Draco lets out in a plea. And I can't help but want to hear more of his voice, so silky, so delicate right now.

Draco's warm tongue then goes against me, following his hand. He's sucking onto my nipple, hard. I quickly bite onto my tongue in order not to yelp. He plays with the other one with his hand, flicking it when he notices I'm holding the noises in.

"Now, now, my sweet, beautiful girl. You started this by being a brat, don't make me go hard on you" He chuckled and then comes closer, slowly kissing my face, all over but my lips.

"Come on, go faster" He whispered before I see his eyes in my view again. He stares deeply into me. I suddenly feel embarrassment fall against me, like hot lava over my body. I close my eyes and hide my face in my hands, shaking my head.

"Oh, is someone shy?" Draco's caring voice comes out, scaring the fuck out of me from the inside out. He taunts me, chuckling like a devil after.

"I'll do it then."

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