51 I 𝓕𝓸𝓻𝓽𝔂-𝓝𝓲𝓷𝓮 𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓔𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓼.

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There's blood.

...A lot of blood.


It's night. 

I sit on the chair in the Hospital wing, sitting at the entrance for Draco is in the back, and Noah lays in the front, and I refuse to pick sides and on which bed I'll sit with. No one deserves to be alone, and what if one of them wakes up, and I am on the other side? What if both of them wake up, and wish for a presence? I shall break myself apart, within the middle and give them a piece of me both. I shall prevail in being there for I was alone when I woke up in their same position. 

"How do you think this will end?" A voice echoes in the Hospital wing. A sigh leaves my lips, hugging my legs to my chest. For a moment I really thought I wouldn't need to talk for a few hours. 

"In fire and bloodshed." I reply honestly to the voice. 

"Who do you think will win?"


"Who..though? Your side or Voldemort's?"

I stare into the abyss, exhausted beyond measures. "I don't think anyone will win, even if we restore peace, the pain won't stop."

"Why do you keep fighting then?"

My eyes travel to Draco, then Noah. 

"For them. It's all for them."

The voice seems closer and closer as I hide in the shadows, only the blue sky illuminating the room. "Why are you doing this to yourself, Aurora?" Zane muttered as he walked over to me.

I should be happy he's here. I should run into his arms and cry, desperate for a touch that's gentle, desperate to feel safe. However, whenever I think of the arms that could have such magic, only Draco comes to mind. "Get out, if my friends find you they won't listen to reason. You are Voldemort's son." I argue, getting up.

"I am not here to harm anyone."

A laugh escapes me, a loud vicious laugh filled with frustration and annoyance. "Don't give me that shit, Zane. We both know you are here for Draco. You might not be a DeathEater, but you are still a loyal servant to your maker."

"I don't wish to harm you, Aurora." Zane looks ambushed, he sees the eye bags under my eyes. He sees my exhaustion and pain. However, he has a duty. Zane knows that to get his father's respect back, he needs to do something big. And capturing the most famous villain in the papers right now would do just that. 

"Zane.." I whisper, "If you try to touch him, I don't care how much I care about you, I am going to fucking kill you." A warning, standing in front of Draco's bed in defence. 

Zane almost laughs, "Did you forget the past? What he has done to you?"

"Did you forget what I did a couple hours ago?" I title my head to the side. "I killed Forty-Six DeathEaters in three seconds. I won't show mercy."

"Your whole existence is mercy, Aurora." Zane smirks. "Don't try and act tough, we both know you won't hurt me."

"Try me." I challenge quietly.

Zane's expression turns uneasy, staring at me. At my deadly eyes. At my stance. 

"You forgot I have the same power as you." Zane smiled. 

My eyes widen.


The second the words come out of his mind, my brain feels fuzzy. Eye sight goes grey. Fingers burn and itch and shake. It's getting taken over, and I groan-Then see my hand fly into the air and drop the knife I was hiding behind my back, all robotic, against my will.

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