49 I 𝓘 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾, 𝓶𝔂 𝓰𝓲𝓻𝓵𝓼.

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"What..the fuck..happened?" I stare.

"I genuinely don't know. It's been a month since the attack from Voldemort, and there hasn't been any attacks from Malfoy anymore. I think the guys are..bored?" Nicole stands next to me, arms folded as we both try to make sense of the atrocity in front of us. "Or depressed." I added. "They are nothing without war."

We are in Draco's dorm, the classes have gone by in a flash and I was going to meet everyone at dinner-They never came. It took me two hours before I found them in a place I would have never guessed they were in, Draco's home. His safety. I haven't been here in a long time, and my eyes can't help but to travel to the tiny table and chairs in the back, remembering when I had the signifying dinner with Malfoy.

Harry, Ron, Blaise, Noah and the Weasley twins are on the floor-High out of their mind. Their bodies are swaying side to side as they try to sit in place but fail.

Dean is next to us, equally confused. "Really guys? Without me?"

Noah laughs like an idiot, getting up and coming awfully close to Deanial-Who almost flinches whilst backing away. A crazy thing to see, Dean that has the nickname "The Hulk" in our group-Flinching from a skinny harmless guy like Noah.

"You have a problem with me, big boy?" Noah points his finger at Dean, and then accidently sticking it into his nose. Dean sighs before pushing Noah's hands away. "Noah Alastair Davis, you need to snap out of it. We have training in an hour."

"Ooh, daddy's angry." Ron laughs. Harry only chuckles next to him-But then he meets eyes with Blaise-And suddenly it's like Ron has made the best joke in history, and they are hysterically laughing.

"I need to go!" Blaise gets up. I grab his arm but he shoves my touch away, "Shhh! Don't worry, Aurora. I won't burn down a city." He mutters, leaving.

Fucking. idiots.

"Where are Charlotte and Hermione? We aren't as nice as them." Nicole mutters. "I'm not sure, I'll go look for them." Dean clears his throat, removing himself from the room.

"How did they get here?" I ask in confusion.

"Draco found them like this in the common room and he bought them here by force."


"Rita Skeeter is still here, lurking. I guess he didn't want them to end up in the papers for being crackheads."

"I see.."

Draco knew if the guys would see Lilith, it would be over. However, he still bought them here as to not ruin their reputations.

"W-Where's Draco?" I say, failing to keep my voice steady.

I remember his tongue.

His eyes looking up at me.

My heart starts to beat fast, Nicole smirks at me-Noticing my fidgeting. "He's in that room." She points to the light blue door in the back. "He locked it, said if one of us tries to open it, we'd get cursed by the door."

Lilith's door.

I smile at Nicole, only assuming that she doesn't know about Lilith due to everyone's calm demeaner. "Ah, he must be busy. I'll go annoy him."

Walking to the small door, a small smirk spreads against my lips as I easily open it and then quickly lock it behind me again. Inside the room, Lilith is laying on a bed-Sleeping. her bedding is that of a princess, her pyjamas too.

Draco is above her, sleeping. I can't help but get closer, but slowly-Not wanting to wake him up. His face looks softer than usual, less angry.

My body slowly slips into the bed, staring at him sleeping. Lilith is in the middle of us, and I notice she has her arms wrapped around him, as does he.

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