7 | 𝒮𝓅𝓇𝑒𝒶𝒹𝒾𝓃𝑔 ℛ𝓊𝓂𝑜𝓇𝓈

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"Mental issues"

I walk on in the hallways, feeling sick as I do so. I didn't stop crying until thirty minutes ago from the time Draco told me the big news last night. I can't seem to fathom the logic, the betrayal. And I hate myself for letting him have the satisfaction of taking power over me.

I hug myself as I continue walking,, feeling like everything is going in slow motion. That's at least until my supposed friends all come into view, holding and laughing with each other. I stare at all the boys, feeling anger inside me. "Aurora! How was the fight with Draco? Are you okay? We missed you last night" Nicole smiled while having her arms over Blaise and Dean.

I give both the boys a look. "Oh you know..It was okay, quite informative for once actually"

Dean frowned with a smile, not understanding. "Oh yeah? What did you learn?"

I smile a little. "Just that all the males from our year have made a bet on who could own me."

The boys in our group immedietly look shocked, some insecure, some looking away from me, all seem to not finding the right words to say. I frowned but then laughed in astonishment. "So its true? Three fucking levels and the one with most points win? Am I a fucking Pokemon?"

Blaise stares in confusion. "..What's a Pokemon?-"

"-That's besides the point. Look, Aurora. We wanted to tell you but we didn't want you to think we were only friends with you to win that stupid thing" Harry said, panically coming closer.

"Really? Because that's exactly how it looks like, you fucking idiots."

Hermione, Nicole and Charlotte look astonished, backing away to stand next to me as we all judge the group of boys. "No you fucking didn't.." Hermione muttered. "Ron?" She calls out but Ron just looks away, conforming her fears.

"Fuck.." Nicole muttered under her breath, looking at Blaise.

"So we're not really friends?" Charlotte frowned, playing with her fingers whilst staring at all of us. "This was all just to befriend Aurora?"

"Of course not! We don't even care about that!" Ron shouts and Harry chimes in, coming closer to me and trying to take my hands but I quickly back away. He shook his head. "Draco is trying to manipulate you, Aurora. Don't you see? This is his trick to try and separete our group apart."

Blaise nods. "Yeah, he knows you're the strongest with a support system."

I hug myself tighter, recognising that they have a good point yet my mind can't stop overthinking. "What is the deal? Tell me."

Blaise looks sheepish as he puts his hand on his head. "At first it was just a game of poker.."


"Then it turned to who would be able to finger you-Or just go..down on you" He cleared his throat.

I look to the floor.


"And the third?" I mutter.

All the boys give each other looks before I hear Dean sigh.

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