46 I 𝓒𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓻𝓪 𝓕𝓵𝓪𝓼𝓱𝓮𝓼

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The flashes blind me as I hold onto Draco's hand, my face instinctively hiding in his back as he leads the way to our salvation-The reporters, all the students are following us. The cameras are flashing. The people are shouting over each other and I close my eyes tightly as we hurriedly continue walking.

"Aurora, when did this fascination of the villain start? How long has this been happening?!"

"Aurora! Over here! Just answer one question!"

"Aurora, does this mean you are a DeathEater? What about your supposed relationship with one of the Riddle brothers?"

"Mr Malfoy, have you played a part in the death of Miss Ginerva Weasley earlier today?"

"Mr Malfoy, over here! What do you think your father thinks of your choice? Are you officially part of the Order?"

"Miss Diavolo! What do you say to the pregnancy allegations?"


"What the fuck did you just say?" Blaise, who's behind me turns to the reporter who suddenly looks worried for his life.

"I just-It would make sense due to the monstrosity of Malfoys that Miss Diavolo favours him due to being with child-" "-I'll show you monstrosity!" Harry grabs him by the collar before punching him in the face. I turn, wide eyed at the scene as the cameras flash even more.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

My hand reaches out and grabs Harry's arm before pulling him away. However, one of the reporters put their hand on my waist, trying to get my attention and the next thing goes by so quick I don't realise what happened.

My eyes travel to the reporter touching me. Everyone is silent as Draco's wand digs into the reporters cheek. Time stops.

"Get. your hands. off her." Draco glared, the reporter doesn't hesitate before backing off.

I sigh in relief before the villain's arm snakes around me and we enter Hogwarts-the community squishing us all together like sardines-Yet he makes sure no one touches me in any way, Blaise and the others following from behind. We barely make it past everyone, running to the Common Room. Ron and Fred make sure everyone from our group is inside before slamming the door shut, locking it. There's still shouts from the outside, trying to get in -Get the details, get the answers that I simply do not have.

"Fuck..." Charlotte and Nicole sit down on the couch. Blaise is pouring himself a drink. Harry is trying to calm himself down, catching his breath due to just battling with his biggest enemy. Neville is standing in the middle of the room, watching everyone in worry.

"Well that just happened." George mutters before taking Blaise's drink and taking it down with one long gulp. Blaise glares at him, grabbing another glass before pouring another for himself.

"As long as everyone is safe.." I mutter.

Malfoy goes to the couch without a word, moving it closer to the fireplace. He grabs my hand, sets me onto it before walking to the closet in the back and taking out any blankets he could find-Stomping back to me and wrapping it around my cold wet body.

I hear a bang, and Ron is on the floor against the wall-Hermione by his side. She's trying to talk to him but he's staring into space. "Ron? Come on, it's going to be okay."

"We are alive guys-" "Some of us are not." Fred mutters, staring into the fireplace. George is in the corner, now silently crying while Luna is next to him, unresponsive as well.

All I want to do is cry, to sleep and cry, and then cry and sleep.

But I cannot, I do not have the privilege of weakness when it comes to the ones I love.

NAGINI'S DAUGHTER | 18+Where stories live. Discover now