47 I 𝓐𝓻𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓷𝓸𝓽 𝓪 𝓟𝓾𝓻𝓮𝓑𝓵𝓸𝓸𝓭?

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I think there's something wrong with me.

"And are you two happy in your decision?" One reporter asks, there's a snake's arm wrapped around my waist. I gulp harshly, smile brightly and try not to show the nervousness in my voice.

"Of course, we love each other." I laughed. Draco smirks, his hand tightening around me. "Yes, we have been thinking about it for some time now. And I know we are still young, but Merlin-Just look at her, I can't help but want to spend the rest..of my life with her." Draco says, doing the most to annoy me.

I am going to end myself soon.

There's reporters all around us-What should've been a peaceful free day out in Diagon Alley turned into many interview's and getting our photos taken-Even my group is being asked a load of questions about how they feel about me and Draco's upcoming big event.

"Merlin, I can't believe you're getting married!" A reporter exclaims loudly in excitement.

My smile drops, but I force it to creep back on. "Oh yes!..We are getting married."

"Annnd, we're even thinking about having a child!" Draco announces loudly-Just so the entire room of wizards and witches hear us. Everyone's eyes bulge out of their sockets. I try to stifle a gasp coming out of my mouth as chaos errupts, people asking questions from every corner and the crowd getting even bigger.

I place my hand under Draco's shirt whilst my arm is wrapped behind him, and dig my nails into his skin as hard as I can. He doesn't even flinch, and instead turns to face me with a smirk on his lips. He's loving this. Torturing me. "Oh my darling, do you think it'll be a boy or a girl?"

"A GIRL!" Noah shouts loudly from the back with humour, just to get slapped on the back of his head by Dean. 

I clear my throat, look up at him. "I don't know, my love. I'm sure I'll be happy with either-As long as he or she has your eyes." My voice is sweet. I notice Draco's expression falters at my words for a moment, before turning into stone.

"I hope we have a girl.." He says, smiling-Dimples on show. I frown ever so slightly. Everyone is silent, listening to the villain as he dares to dream of having a family with the forbidden. "I hope she has your stubborn heart, and your strong soul."

My heart skips a beat-There's a moment where I can't take my eyes off him. A moment where I feel all of the things that I shouldn't.

A moment where I believe him.

"Awww-HELL YEAH!" Noah shouts from the back. 

I sigh in disappointment. What the fuck am I doing with my life?

"Mr Malfoy, aren't you from a prestigious family that strives to only have Pureblood wives, let alone children? Are you sure your family won't disown you if you try to bring..Miss Diavolo home for a family dinner?" Rita Skeeter mutters, her thin lips-Her sly eyes watching us as the consequences of her words falls upon us, the reactions around are filled with confusions and realisations.

NAGINI'S DAUGHTER | 18+Where stories live. Discover now