11 | 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓁𝓀𝑒𝓇

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"I've been watching for a while"

The wind used to swish through my clothes on a soft breezy day, my parents always told me that i should not go outside, the outside was dangerous. But i never understood their logic, isn't the inside more dangerous? Such a suffocating space, stuck between four walls that are the plain same colour, driving you to insanity each second you take a breath.

You can easily get hurt, without any simple escape. But nature, nature has so many bright beautiful colours, as if you could taste the fruit that could be dropped from the huge trees, or feel the grass growing with you, smell all the scents the powerful animals smell and hear them laugh and make gossip about the humans and their tactics.

I wish it was easier, not having so many monsters that haunt my head every night. But i suppose it's better that way, to know the dangers of them and recognise it all when they are lurking in the shadows, just waiting to torment you more.

It gets worrying when you notice your behaviour change as soon as that feeling hits again, that they are there, in the shadows. I'm very much older now, more mature, and i wonder if the shadows now instead of teaching me their ways, want me to join their tragedy.

Yet, I have my own sacred tragedy to deal with.

"I'm sorry i didn't tell you" Dean mutters, looking at me as we both sit on the bed "Why didn't you?" I ask, looking at him dissapointedly and he shakes his head at my anger, coming closer.

"I was afraid you'll hate me once you hear that I'm related to your enemy" He says honestly, voice dripping with plead, not wanting to argue nor lose his friend. I sigh and lean my head against the bed.

"Just please don't tell anyone else. I trust you" He says, taking my hand into his.

"Alright, well if you really mean that, why the hell am I still handcuffed to the bed?" I exclaim, annoyed out of my mind. I gently tug at my hand, showing him, the chain slightly makes a sound as it stops me from moving further.

Ever since I woke up, i've been stuck in my bed and Dean seems to not trust me leaving until i promised i wouldn't tell anyone, which i did, too many times.

"You're a prick" I sigh, huffing and crossing my arms, there's nothing i want more right now than food.

"Yeah I was afraid you would beat me to death" I hear him laugh and for a moment i stare at him, realising he's serious. "Well i wasn't going to but i kinda want to now!" I shout making him back away.

"Now now, love. You don't want to hurt those pretty soft hands of yours" Dean winks, making me groan in frustration. "Dean please get me out of here if i wanted to be handcuffed i'd go to Cedric" I cry out, mentioning the rumours the school has been spreading about Cedric and other girls.

Dean smiles, booping my nose before getting a key and freeing my hand.

"Deadric" He corrects me and I smile and push him, shaking my head at his protectiveness, it was like having a brother that killed every potential sex buddy i could have.

I quickly get up, taking off my shirt as I walk into the bathroom. "I'll be right out" I shout and close the door, ready to take a shower.

After i passed out in Draco's room, I don't exactly remember what happened, but i do remember his arms carrying me to the unknown. And when i woke up, I thought he carried me to my bed. However, i soon found out that Mr Malfoy decided to place me in front of Filch's room for fun. That bastard.

Filch's cat shredded my clothes while I was still wearing them.

Thankfully, Blaise found me and carried me to my bedroom, after i supposedly got scared and tried to scratch his face off, giving him a slight black eye when he tried to grab me and help.

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