17 | ℋ𝓊𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓇

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"You like being punished by me, hmm?"

"Come on, you have to stop being sad eventually" Noah cries, poking my cheek. They were all in my room trying to make me feel better for hours as we had no lessons today.

"Don't tell a woman what to do" Nicole shouts at him and slaps him over the head, making Noah cry even harder as this is the fifth time she has done that since they came into my room.

"It was just a suggestion!" He shouts at her, rubbing his head.

"You're so sexist" Dean says to Noah with a high pitch voiced, shaking his head playfully. "I'm a feminist" Noah replies in defense, imitating and mocking him.

I laugh at them as we all sit on the floor in my room. "Really guys, I'm okay" I reassure quietly while I'm in Ron's arms, he was always the warmest out of all of them. "Yeah you don't have to lie to us" He comments, chuckling.

Charlotte eats the chocolate ice cream we all stole from the kitchens, sharing a big box while each of us having a spoon, eating from it. "I can't believe Malfoy was the stalker" She says, stuffing her face. "Well get used to it because.. I belong to him now" I tell them, playing with the blanket Harry put on me.

It was clear mine and Harry's relationship kept growing weirder by the time. I didn't know how to react to him nearly kissing me and then me rejecting him by just standing there, at least that's the way I saw it. I asked him about it, but he got too embarrassed and now keeps ignoring me, keeping his feelings in the dark.

"You aren't his property" Nicole says and I look at Hermione sleeping on Harry's lap. She got out a while ago and is pretty beaten up, it made my blood boil to see her in such condition. However, it's the end. The Riddle brothers were gone and back to their father, seemingly getting what they needed, for now.

I still remember and think about Zane's face. It looked so familiar yet distant. The way he looked at me as I sat there on the floor, completely broken. It was his eyes. I've only seen them once, but I miss those eyes already.

"Okay you know what? Everyone get up" I suddenly hear Blaise from the doorway, walking into the room and seeing our broken states. "Up!" He shouts again and we groan but slowly one by one we oblige.

He grabs his wand and I frown at what he's trying to do but after a while, there was loud music ringing around the room, complimenting the scent of firewood from the beaming candles in my room.

I smile a little when I hear the song, Blaise walks up to us and makes us dance but then moves to me and grabs me, looking me in the eyes when he notices I refuse to even budge a bit.

"You have to lighten up a bit" He whispers to me knowingly, moving some hair behind my ear that have fallen in front of my face.

I sigh, closing my eyes and listening to the beat of the music. My hips slowly start swaying to the song as Blaise let's me go, the song High Enough by K. Flay loudly drums throughout the room.

A smile forms onto my face when the beat drops, I hear everyone soon jump around and scream the lyrics, me joining them after a while.

Is this how High School Musical was like?

Nicole jumps on my bed with Noah, dancing till their hearts content along with everyone else around me. I laugh when Dean nearly trips over still sleepy Hermione, though she still joined.

It's clear Blaise and some of us are still not on good terms but we all know that we still are always there for each other when someone needs support. He smiles at me, dancing with me and screaming as the song plays.

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