57 I 𝓑𝓾𝓻𝓷𝓽 𝓐𝓵𝓲𝓿𝓮.

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This song with this chapter is not merciful. (Schindler's List - Immolation (With Our Lives, We Give Life) Theme Extended)


This chapter is even more distressing than the others. Probably most distressing of all chapters aside from the next one. Please read at your own risk. This book is a lot about the decline of mental health in general, but I need to remind you,

You are not alone. And I love you. You are so so strong, so keep going. I am proud of you.


My body is getting moved again, but this time-I don't seem to feel my body anymore. I can't feel the pain, the burning. I can't feel anything. 

What is God? 

What did I do to deserve this?

"Get her up there!" I hear-Startling me awake. I am being held up by two arms-One person on each side of me. 

And my heart drops as I see the scene in front of me. 

"THE BETRAYAL!" Some student shouts in the distance, we are outside of Hogwarts. There's a stake in the middle of the circle-The circle consisting of every single student from Hogwarts. 

The worst part is, it's on a little podium-Around it, dead wheat. A tall pole made of wood in the middle-Waiting for a person to be bound to it. 


My brows furrow a little, trying to figure out what's really happening. But then, they start dragging me closer to it-And it all hits me, at once. The panic sets in, I am screaming, screaming at the top of my lungs in agony-Trying to make everyone find reason, mercy. "NO! NO! DON'T DO THIS!"

I never showed anyone my real emotions for so long-Yet now, as I face the truth of what I get when a hero is wrongfully accused-I sob. I am sobbing so hard, I can't breathe. They don't listen, though. No one does. The moonlight shines upon us as the darkness of the night is evident. We are getting closer and closer to the stake and I am trying everything in my power to get away-kicking, screaming, punching, pushing. But they hold me, their nails digging inside my skin so hard it reminds me of my father.

"I DIDN'T DO THIS!" I sobbed, tears streaming down my face. "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! I JUST TRIED MY BEST TO HELP YOU ALL-PLEASE!"

I tried my best-All of this time, everything I have ever done was for them. The air I inhaled just so they could have hope-even though I had none. The students that are holding me are Cho Chang and some younger student I never met. My head spins to Cho, trying to shake her grip off my body-"DON'T! I ONLY TRIED TO HELP YOU, CHO. WE ARE FRIENDS, REMEMBER?"

Hours of her and I laughing in Snape's class comes to mind, whispering and sending each other notes.

My feet get lifted onto the podium, the smell of what fills my nose and it tickles my feet, getting wrapped inside them-Dissolving. Cho is grabbing my hands from behind and tying them-The rest of the students are screaming in wrath around me, ready to watch me turn into ashes. 

"This is for Cedric." She quietly tells me, and then leaves-Joining the others.

I am quiet now, staring at her with heartbreak. It hurts-Merlin, it hurts. My heart hurts too much, it feels like I am going to die from the feelings that reside inside me at this very moment. 

They are screaming, the students I did everything for. They are screaming and eager to see me die a painful death.

It was all for them. 

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