16 | 𝒮𝓊𝓇𝓅𝓇𝒾𝓈𝑒𝓈

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"I hate you more than I hate breathing"

After that, Mattheo dissapeared. It wasn't like he was even in hiding anymore, I could always feel his energy around when I walked through Hogwarts. But now, it was gone. And honestly that scared me more than him being here, because I know he's waiting to see my decision from his threat.

The school feels more darker, a green aura surrounding the halls and classrooms. I barely see my friends anymore, dealing with everything alone because I don't want to endanger them. Mattheo already sees them as my weakness, a way to blackmail me. Draco does exactly the same and sometimes it feels like they are the same person.

Mattheo being Voldemort's son, it's clear there wouldn't be even a speck of kindness in him. A psychopathic boy that's way too strong for his own good, his magical skills were way too prominent to ignore.

His sadistic mind and beautiful form, brown curly hair along with a perfect slit eyebrow, suspicious dark eyes and plump lips that seem to always convey the most murderous words. There was always evil energy radiating off of him, red aura feeding off of people's pain.

Hogwarts was a dark place, what once was full of light and hope for me completely changed. And it was all because of Draco Malfoy, my forever rival.

He didn't have the same intentions as Mattheo. Mattheo wanted to play with me, just a piece in his puzzle to use for some of his own reasons.

For his own bigger plan, he didn't care about me personally. He didn't care about what I did or who I am. And I'll find out soon enough what he actually wants.

Draco, however, actually has the intention to have me. For me to belong to him so he can use me as he wants, he knows I'm the only person in the school that will actually stand up to him, fight him, try to be more superior. And he wants to destroy that by taking the only thing that I always seem to have in everyone's eyes; freedom. What a sick fucking mind.

All this time, I thought it was Zane that was the one who stalked me. He even admitted it himself, and it was true, to some sort of degree. He was the one who sent the notes, but in reality, he 'stalked' only me. Not the others.

It was actually Draco that really was the stalker. He was the one who ruined our days and stole our belongings, his plan was to play with us and distract us, keeping us all apart. Another prank to make us scared and paranoid, and it all got confirmed the day Harry took a necklace from him and it was mine, which he must've took from my room. It was him all along, using Zane and hiding behind him to seem innocent.

I did talk to him about this, fought with him. He laughed his ass off when he realised I knew, telling me I should've realised it sooner and that this is only the start of his toxicity. It confuses me, he can be so mean and evil but still expect me to submit myself to him.

She came again. And again and again. Our parents seem to be very fond of each other, but I didn't care about that. Because I only cared about one thing, and that was her.

Her parents and mine are connected through business. But through that, we got connected through our hearts. She will never know how much I actually love her, how much I think about her. It breaks me that we aren't meant to be.

I won't stop though, I simply can't. What words I would tell her if I could, such words I would never say out loud to any soul.

If I could though..what would I even say?

'You aren't mine, of course. Though, I sometimes pretend you wish you were. I think about it for so long that I create this version of you that secretly wants me.

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