25 I 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐻𝑜𝓇𝒾𝓏𝑜𝓃.

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I think this is my favourite chapter that I've wrote so far :) Hope you enjoyy.


I stare out the beauty of horizon, sitting on the balcony as the party behind me continues, muffled by the doors that I bolted shut to make sure I have at least a minute of peace and quiet. The stars shine above me, and I smile against it, welcoming the night to take me away.

I hear rattling, and before I realize it, the doors get opened. I don't even turn, not wanting my peace to get ruined. I close my eyes, feeling the weak breeze upon me.

I already know who's there.

"I knew you'd be here.." I hear Draco's silky voice, it was softer than usual.

"And I knew you'd come" I said. He stands next to me as I'm sat, both looking out.

After Henry obliviated everyone, me and him instructed them to go home and convinced them that they got so drunk they blacked out. Henry isn't quite the bad guy that I interpreted him to be, yet, he has hurt Dean in the past so I shall hate him noneotherless.

It took me around an hour to calm Draco down, we sat in the darkness of the room and I talked about the homework that we have to get done and the endless amounts of studying. He eventually went back to normal and hit me over the head complaining about the methods I used to calm him. I don't know what he expected, a lullaby?

"Beautiful view" He comments and I chuckle softly. "Yeah, but I kind of wish we were even higher" I muttered sadly. There's silence for a while before I notice Draco's slow steps away and suddenly he's holding his wand and pointing at a wall behind me.

He muttered a spell under his breath, I watch on as on the wall begins to appear a beautiful wooden ladder. Draco doesn't even turn to me, just backs away and waits. I quickly get up and run to it, smiling as I examine it's magic. "Wow.."

I start to climb it, but before I do I notice Draco's eyes quickly averting away from my body. A couple grunts and heavy breaths escape me, but after a while I climb to the top, sitting down on a cold roof of Hogwarts, the bricks beautiful and strong. I sit down and make myself comfortable, Draco soon joining me.

I look on, and my heart speeds. I see the beautiful lake, the forest, even Hagrid's hut in the distance. It's all so beautiful. The full moon shines upon us, large and full of bloom. The comfortable silence sits with us. We're both drunk yet sober enough to appreciate the beauty around us.

I start to fiddle with my fingers, contemplating in my head if I should ask the questions I keep thinking about.

"Is your mother okay, Draco?" I say. His eyes immedietly snap to mine, anger flaring inside of them.

"Do you want me to throw you off this roof?" He replies rather calmly, which is even more terrifying. I sighed. "Look I don't want to meddle in things that aren't my business but-"

"Good, then don't. You have no idea what you're talking about-" "-But I do." I say, serious now. Draco stares intensely into my eyes, his eyes echoing the moon. "I know what it's like to have issues with parents."

"No, you don't understand. Vaperia, you don't have parents."

My heart sinks. I grow quiet.

Draco's eyes hold regret for a split moment. I sigh and look back at the sky again.

"I should go" He says, but before he's about to leave he drapes his black large blazer onto my shoulders. He probably noticed I was shaking from the cold even in my best efforts to act like I was fine.

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