42 I 𝓓𝓲𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓻 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽𝔂.

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This will be an absolute rollercoaster,

Get ready.

Trigger warning;





It's the dinner party.

It's night. The clock hits ten.

We all sit silently in our seats, I am in the corner, Harry and Charlotte beside me. Straight ahead of me is my greatest enemy, his fingers playing with the knife on the beautiful clean table. It all looks too rich, too perfect, too stone. It's a candlelit dinner with polished silverware, and the room looks to be filled with accomplishment.

Blaise gives me an uncomfortable look as he sits beside Draco, and on the other side, there's Pansy. It continues, the table is round. We can all clearly see each other disgust, hatred, and every threat. My entire team is here, and he is too-Along with the Minister and a couple of his posh friends, including the new Headmaster. Rita Skeeter sits next to Snape, who's staring her down with curiosity.

Nothing good can come of this.

"I'm glad we have all gathered today to enjoy this great feast. I know we all have our differences, but I am hoping we can put them behind us for now and negotiate new terms of this...unfortunate concept." The Minister mutters, holding out his champagne glass, lips filled with secrets. We all give each other a look.

Unfortunate concept.

Cedric, Henry, Crabbe and Goyle are all dead. Along with a couple more students.

Their faces are plastered on every wall in Hogwarts, honouring their existence-That's before Mr Filch walks around at night and has been instructed to destroy every spell that holds their memory.

The Ministry wishes to act like their lives never had an impact on the school, they desire to lace us with the potion of forgetfulness, for every death is a deep reminder of the failure they have become to us.

I look down, it is a classic English roast dinner. Everyone around me begins eating, I do not indulge-Hiding my wand in the sleeve of my shirt under the table. I look on, mine and Draco's eyes meet and it's filled with mixed emotions. It is clear we are not enjoying this like everyone else.

"Fine weather, is it not?" Neville smiles uneasily, sensing the tension in the room as me and my enemy send daggers with our eyes. "It is indeed splendid, dear Mr Longbottom." The Minister chuckles, eating with gluttony-Not even considering the fact that it might be a bad idea to put us all in a room together.

"Indeed." The Headmaster mutters under his breath, my throat feels sore just by hearing his voice. It is as if his venom has entered my ears and travelled into my nose, onto my tongue.

"Fine weather.." I nod just as the sound of thunder starts it's boom and roar from outside.

Draco looks outside and then at me, a smirk plays against his lips and all I wish to do is carve into his angelic handsome face. The intimate hug we have shared only days ago seems to be still ringing in my mind. The kiss. His confession. Everyone around the table occasionally gives me dark judgemental looks, they were already mad at me. And now our entire school plus more has witnessed a happy moment between us, a smile, a..

Rita Skeeter is smirking as she's eating, her eyes occasionally glazing over me and Draco. The smugness of her prensence, she knows she has us locked. We are stuck under her grasp, she has the power to ruin us all.

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