55 I 𝓝𝓮𝓿𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓮'𝓼 𝓕𝓵𝓪𝓶𝓮.

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Warning; Distressing. 


"Draco?.." I mutter quietly. However, he doesn't pay me any attention. Instead, he's glaring bullets at the man who just touched me.

Draco looks absolutely murderous.

"Ah." Voices Zane, a smirk seems to be embedded in his tongue. "And I see I came back just in time.."

"Did you tell her yet?" He immediately asked. I frowned, confused as their looks seem to be their own language, whilst I am astray. "Tell me what?"

Draco doesn't reply, my eyes widen as I see his hand is now holding a dagger, the tip presses into his fingers playfully. I instinctually move closer to Zane. Not because I'm afraid for myself, but because I'm afraid for him.

Draco seems to notice, staring as I go in front of his nemesis body which seems to anger him even more.

"No.." He mutters. "She doesn't know anything."

A sigh nearly leaves my throat, exhaustion stuck inside me. This isn't the time for this. "Okay you idiots, I'm leaving. Zane, come with me." I start to walk away before getting hit in the face by a invisible barrier in the doorway.

"You aren't going anywhere just yet." Draco states.

"Draco, come on-" I try to reason but give up as I see how he looks at Zane. Not one look in my direction, as if he's afraid to meet my eyes.

I frown, wondering why he feels the need to hold me off in this room right now. It doesn't make any sense.

"HELP US!" The voices scream throughout the hallways.

I start to hastily look around the room, desperate to find my wand and turn the barrier off. I need to get to my side of the school. I need to get back to my team.

"I can't find my wand. Zane, use yours!!" I shouted, gesturing to the doorway but he gets confused and rather defensive. "Just use your powers to make him-" "-My powers don't work right now!" I snapped, breathing heavily as I look all over the room for salvation.

"What?" Zane says in surprise, anger in his voice. "They don't work? Why?"

I look under every speck of dust, every corner and every memory in this room, and my wand is absolutely nowhere to be seen.


I think about how me and Draco were alone in this room, how everything was quiet and calm though the conversation was heavy. I think about how hard I tried to reason with him, and Merlin I was so close. He showed actual emotion. The boy who is known for having no emotions felt something due to my words due to what we are and what I was asking of him.

What we are...

"Draco." I let out, running to him and holding his arms. "Look at me. What's happening? What is Henry doing?" The desperation soon turns into anger and I can't help but shake him though it doesn't move him, once again reminding me of how small I am compared to his nature. "Burn what!? What was he talking about?! I'm scared!"

Draco lowers his gaze, and slowly yet surely his eyes meet mine once again. But this time there was no light inside of them, as if all the colours and vibrance has left his body. Even the room feels colder.

Burn it all.

"What did I do?" I grit out in anger, not understanding. "What did I do for you to change all of a sudden? W-Was it him? Zane can leave." My hands now meet his face, thumbs caressing him and I can't help but miss wiping his tears away. Filled with emotion, anger, sadness. I regret not putting them into a little beacon, saving them to remind myself that Draco Malfoy has a sea of silenced gore swimming inside of him.

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