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Funnily enough, I was right with what I thought.

It was the last time I felt that way.

"You're still not gonna fucking tell me?" I seethed through gritted teeth, my eyes on the spot on the bed we were cuddling on no less than thirty minutes ago.

"Obviously not," He snapped, glaring at me with an icy stare. "This isn't some kind of sick joke; nothing you can just openly talk to anyone about like some forbidden gossip, Y/n!"

His dorm had cleared out almost as soon as our argument started. And Nott, who didn't voluntarily leave, was ordered to do so by Draco. Yet, his voice was low to make sure nobody heard what he was saying through the walls.

I huffed, forcing out a humourless laugh. "Anyone, yeah?" I mumbled, stressing the first word to make sure he knew what I was getting at. "Didn't know you'd tell anyone you lo-"

He interrupted me with a groan, rolling his eyes and only making the situation worse by doing so.

"You know that's not what I meant," He grumbled, massaging his temples in hopes it would get rid of the tension I felt, too. "You already know enough- too much, even," He sighed, clearly exhausted by the whole conversation.

"So you don't trust me? Is that it?" I wondered out loud, the confidence seething though my voice just seconds ago slowly fading at the realisation.

Tears welling up in my eyes out of sheer frustration, though I made sure not a single one would fall down my cheek while I was still here. "You're scared I'll run and tell my brother? The brother I haven't spoken to in ten days because of you?"

My accusation clearly irritated him, his brows furrowing further, wrinkles appearing on his usually smooth forehead. "What are you saying? That that's my fault? Did I make you do that?" He laughed dryly. "You know, I didn't ask for him to almost kill me."

"Oh, so it is that? You're not telling me what you're supposed to do for Voldemort because of Harry?" I said, clinging onto the only thing I could think of. The only thing that might have made sense.

"That's not what it's about, at all," He retorted, his voice still harsh. "You're really just trying to create a problem that doesn't even exist at this point-" He interrupted himself with a deep breath to calm himself down.

I closed my eyes to do the same, though, thinking rationally about this was harder than I first anticipated.

"Maybe you're right," I forced out, my voice cold. "Maybe we should just try and figure this out tomorrow."

What I didn't know when the words left my mouth was that there wouldn't be a tomorrow. At least not one that would be anything like every other day I had lived through at Hogwarts.

Draco did know, and tried to act accordingly; tried for us to figure it out now. But, foolishly enough, I was too selfish to listen to his pleas, and left him pacing around his dorm soon after.

With a loud sigh, one of relief that I left the horrible atmosphere glooming in the room behind, I grabbed a book out of my dorm and then made myself comfortable in the common room.

The chatter and noise around me was a little bit of a distraction, and I simply didn't feel like having one on one conversations that I'd definitely have if I would've decided to stay in my dorm.

Instead, all I really wanted right now was getting lost in one of the many Muggle books I promised myself I'd read. The ones that I knew would make Draco scrunch up his nose in disapproval.

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