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- Yall better not complain about Y/n this chapter because--- DO YOU WANT STORYLINE OR WHAT?? -

Enjoy lol x

My obedience lasted a total of, maybe, five minutes.

Five minutes I spent considering all my options and realising I didn't have that many to consider.

It was either;

1. Stay here; stay oblivious to what was going on around me in a house full of what I presumed to be death eaters, or,

2. Go out there, and A) find out what was going on around me, and B) find a way to escape.

The choice was obvious; a decision that was almost too easy to make.

Which is how ended up in a corridor that seemed entirely too long for its own good. The walls were made out of solid stone, reminding me of Hogwarts quite a bit with all the paintings of landscapes and Malfoy ancestors hanging on it.

The latter were closely watching me, trying to see through the darkness, trying to recognise me. Some succeeded, it seemed; scrunching up their noses or quirking an eyebrow as they watched me tiptoeing around the corridor carefully.

I was sure they'd rat me out later, but it was already too late to prevent that, anyway. So, I might as well just keep on going now.

A look out of the window earlier let me know I was on the first floor, and Draco and his mother turning to their right as they left the room led me to conclude that the stairs must be located somewhere to my right.

I followed those few hints I had picked up along the way as best as I could, though, at the end of the day, I was simply following my intuition around the huge manor.

Nobody needed a house this big, really unless they were hosting for a bunch of Voldemort's closest followers.

In that case, the shoe seemed to fit.

I scoffed silently at my thoughts as I turned another corner, finally spotting the spiral staircase leading down. It was entirely too quiet and too dark for my liking.

The only light coming from a few torches that were mounted onto the walls.

I stood in front of the steps for a while, closely listening for any noises coming from downstairs. My heartbeat quickly picked up its pace at the creek coming from the first stair I just stepped on, and I swallowed thickly.

I immediately stopped in my tracks, eyes wide and senses heightened to a maximum in case anybody else heard it, too. Though, after a minute of shock in which absolutely nothing happened, I gradually took another step, and another one until I ended up at the bottom of the staircase without another sound.

I sighed in relief, my back against the first wall I could spot for any kind of cover, at all. And then I heard it. My heart beating so loud I almost didn't recognise the voice at first. But then, unfortunately, I did.

"It will happen Saturday next, at nightfall," Professor Snape's voice echoed through the neighbouring room, my brows furrowing at the familiar sound.

"I've heard differently, my lord," A rough, unpleasant voice chimed in. "An auror has let slip that the Potter boy will not be moved until the 30th of this month. The day before he turns 17."

My heart and mind alike were racing as soon as the name Potter fell. A big lump in my throat forming as I continued to listen.

"This is a false trail," Snape simply corrected, his voice as stern as always. "The Auror office no longer plays a part in the protection of Harry Potter."

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